Cocoa Butter Kisses.

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I wake up to my phone ringing it was sunny he told me that Vic wanted to meet with me now. I get out of bed and take a shower about ten minutes later I get out and find some clothes to put on. I hop in my jeep and head down to the studio where sunny and Vic was. As I pull up in the parking lot I get mad nervous they was bouncing off the walls but I had to keep it cool. I get upstairs and see Vic and sunny inside my nerves are still going crazy.

"Wassup man I'm Vic" he shakes my hand "I head your song you recorded it was dope my nigga you got talent"

"Thanks man I be trying"

"I can see sunny was telling me that you make your own beats to not to many people can do that"

"Yeah I'm just really about my music"

"That's good man I like that about you but listen chance I got to have someone like you on my team I got to sign you man"

"Really man you mean it"

"Yeah bro you got mad talent and the world needs to hear you" he said smiling

"Thanks man I really appreciate this opportunity"

"No problem I'll have the papers for you tonight I can come through cool?"

"Yeah bro that's cool" I texted him my address

"Ight bro see you tonight"

I left after a while I had to tell Mariah the good news about me signing with Vic man this shit is crazy this is what I've been waiting for moment for so long. I went home and waited for Mariah to come so I can tell her the good news.

~later that night~


Vic came by so I could sign the papers and he left about an hour ago I was still waiting on Mariah to pull up i don't know what was taking her so long. Finally I heard her pull up in the drive way she comes in and I run straight up to her.

"Baby I got some good news"

"What's the good news"

"I got signed today"

"Wayment what"

"I got signed today baby I'm on"

She screams "OMG BABY IM SO PROUD OF YOU" she hugs me

That night we went out to celebrate and she gave me a little something special too.

Sorry for the long wait I will try and do better I swear don't stop voting or commenting please


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