Prom Night.

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I woke up the next morning with Mariah laying on my chest she was sleeping so peacefully. I eased my way out of the bed and went to the bathroom to Handled my business I came out and see she was still sleeping I go over and lay kisses on her neck she moves a little bit and opens her eyes I smile.

"Good morning ma"

"Mmm good morning chance

"Come on Bae we need to get ready and head back home mama doing ok so let's go"

"Ok I will babe"

Once I got mariah outta bed we both took showers and dressed we made our way back to Chicago within a few hours cause I was driving so fast and we just barely made stops. When I made it back I took Mariah home and then I went home I needed to clear my mind so I decided to roll up a blunt to help. I wanted to go out tonight but I wanted to go with my people so I called my cousin jimmy and his brother Eric to see if they wanted to then I decided to bring my brother tyler along since he doesn't get out much.

~later that night~


As of right now I'm chilling in the back of the club with the drink in my hand along with my blunt. My brother is sitting next to me smoking a hookah I look over and laugh then take a sip of my drink everyone else is on the dance floor. I get up and head to the bar to get my sixth drink but really who's counting I didn't drive anyways. As I'm walking back to the Booth I felt somebody grab my shoulder I turn around and it was autumn "fuck man just what I need" I thought to myself I don't feel like being bothered with her.

"Hey chance" she cheesed really big

"Sup" I said trying to make this conversation short

"Who you here with tonight"

"My cousins and brothers why" I said after drinking all of my drink

"Just asking"

"Oh ight"

"So you wanna get out of here and go somewhere more private" she stepped closer.

"Sure I guess"

I texted my brother and told him I was leaving he'll be ok about twenty minutes later me and autumn are at my house we were on the couch kissing each other down at first I didn't want to then she grabbed my dick that's when I lost it I picked her up and carry her to my room and layed her down she was trying to take her clothes off fast that's how I knew she wanted it I took off my boxers and grabbed a condom then I went inside her she was hot and wet just like I like it. Ten minutes later I hear a thud downstairs I didn't mind it because it was probably my brother and cousins so I ketp doing what I was doing. Autumn started saying my name and fucking up my back I went deeper and faster all of a sudden my door open and it was Tyler and Mariah was with him I jumped off autumn and put my boxers on real quick. Mariah eyes were full of tears at this point she ran downstairs as fast as she could.

"MARIAH WAIT." I grab her arm

"FUCK YOU CHANCE FUCK YOU" she pulled away and ran home

I stood at the door for a minute and went back upstairs Tyler and autumn was still here she put her clothes on I started pacing back and forth in the room I punched the wall how could I let this happen. I fucked up big time autumn had left without saying a word and it was just me and my brother in the room I put on some clothes and go downstairs to sit on the couch.

"Yo who was those girls"

"Mariah and autumn"

"They your girls or something"

"Mariah is not autumn" I said running my fingers through my hair"

"Damn man how the fuck this happen"

"One to many drinks one to many"

Vote comment tell me what you think i know I'm late but this is good


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