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It's been a few weeks since that little incident with Mariah I got to say i miss her I don't think I should have said what I said to her because one she's so sensitive but yet she's tough. I should call her and apologize but every time I call she might answer and hang, won't answer at all, or have one of her friends to pick up and say she not here but it's whatever. Today I'm going over my aunt house for a family dinner everyone is going to be there my aunt asked me am I'm bringing Mariah along with me I told her I don't know maybe. I talk to my mom today for little bit and told her what every one was doing after words I called Mariah once more to ask her her sister Alex picked up the phone.

"What little boy"

"Where's Mariah?"

"She's no--"

I cut her off  "Alex I don't have time to play put her on the phone now"

"He wants to talk to you"


"Girl if you won't take this damn phone"Alex yells

"Ughhhh fine"

"Act right" she says and then I hear a door close


"Look Mariah I'm sorry for what I said to you it was out of line and very rude I don't like you being mad at me. I was calling you to see if you would like to come to my Aunt house for a family dinner?"

"Ughh whatever Chancelor I'll be over in a minute" she hangs up

I put my phone down and flop on the couch I run my fingers through my hair it's been two weeks since I seen her so I'm a little nervous. I get up and take a shower once I'm done I put on my black jeans my ovo hoodie and my black high top vans I walk downstairs and I here the door bell ring I open to see Mariah in the same outfit as me just with her white nikes.

"Well look at you" I say leaning against the door frame

"Whatever come on I'm ready to go" she says with anger in her voice


I grab my keys off the table and we headed out the door I got in the car and we took off. From time to time I would look at Mariah and she would be starting out the window I had to make things right with her before we go to my aunts house.



I pull over "look I'm sorry for what I said I didn't mean to say that to you it was out of line I'm not trying to force you to do anything"

"I know Chancelor I'm sorry for what I said it was mean I'm just not ready yet"

"I know baby I'm sorry" I kiss her " I love you"

"I love you to baby"

We pull off and head to my aunts house I was back on good terms with my baby girl.

A/N: I'm so so so sorry for the wait I will do a better job with this promise vote 3+ comment 2+ I love y'all


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