Everybody's Something

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I was woken up from my sleep by someone snatching the covers off me I sit up mad asf I look around and there is Mariah standing in front of me. I scratch my hair and yawn while she still looks at me all I do is stare back at her then smile. She hops on top of me and hugs the fuck outta me. Mariah moved in with me a few weeks ago and has been very clingy ever since then . I don't mind it at all That's my girl.

"Baby can we go to the mall today so i can get a outfit for tonight"

"Tonight?? What we doing tonight??" I asked with a confused look on my face

"We having dinner with my mom and dad tonight I told you this about a week ago"

"Aw yeah I remember but, yea we can go let me get dressed real quick"

I get out of bed and go to the bathroom to do my morning routine when I come out Mariah was already dressed she had on a white tank top some gray sweatpants and her French blue 12s. Mariah grabs my keys and hops in the driver seat we make our way to the mall. When we get there she goes straight to forever 21. we was here for about 3 houses before she finally got some stuff. Boy this girl can really shop, all these clothes just for a night. Or maybe she just wanted to do a little shopping. Back on our way home I grab us something to eat because we were both hungry and i know she not gone cook.

{Later that night}

"Damn baby you ready yet? Shit I swear to god you take forever"

"Umm nigga I heard that and yes let's go"

We both head out the door and hop in the car on that way to her parents house she was still applying her makeup I look over at hers and smile.  About 25 minutes later we pull up to her parents house it was a very nice size. Mariah looks over at me and smiles.

"You ready baby" she asked me

I take a deep breath "yeah let's do it"

We walked up to the house and Mariah rung the door bell all of a sudden her grip got tight on my hand, just then a very pretty lady answers the door she was light skinned with a few freckles on her face she had on an all black dress and some flats. She was gorgeous I know right then this was Mariah's mother.

"Hi mom" Mariah says "you look absolutely stunning as always"

"Girl please look at you, come on in" her mom says as we walk in and she shuts the door " and you must me Chancelor hi I'm Georgina." She smiles and shakes my hand

"Hey boys come on down it's time too eat now"

As soon as she said that four boys came rushing down the stairs one of them was tall brown skin another was tall and light skin another was tall and skinny the lady one was tall and very dark skin.

"Chance baby I would like you too meet my four older brothers this is Jovon, Austin, Marcus, and lou"

"And I'm her father"

We all look up the stair case and I see a very tall man her was dark skin another same color as lou if not darker he came down the stairs and shook my hand

"Chancelor is it?"

"Yes sir" I say with a frim grip on him

"Nice to meet you son I'm Rodney"

"It's very nice to meet all of you"

At the dinner table I'm sitting by Mariah her family is very funny they stay cracking jokes and making each other laugh they are some cool people I like them a lot honestly after dinner Mariah helped her mom with dishes all of us boys were watching basketball I go in the kitchen to help them out.

"Mrs Jones I can finish that up for you" I say taking the dish rag

"Thank you so much" she leaves them goes to sit on the couch by her husband

"They like you Babe" Mariah smiles

"I like them too"

After we finished up the dishes we said our goodbyes and went home when we go there we both changed and got into the bed.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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