Hey Ma.

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The next morning i got out of bed and went to the bathroom and did my morning hygiene and then I laid back down all I could think about is the look on Mariah's face it Bothered me so much I didn't know what to say I didn't know how to apologize to her. I called my mom to see if she can help me on this one she always know what to say and do.

"Hey ma" I say

"Hey chance how to doing"

"I'm good aye mama I got to tell you something and I think you can help me"

"What is it"

I told her the whole story and how everything went down all I heard her say was mmmm and uh huh I guess she was thinking of what to say to me.

"Well chance baby all I can tell you is to go over there and give that girl an sincere apology cause, you owe her that" she said seriously

"But mama what if she slams the door in my face or, don't expect my apology"

"Well you have to options let her come around if she does that means she really cares or, let her go son"

"I can't do that I can't lose her" I say putting my head down

"Well go apologize to her and see what happens I love you chance"

"I love you to ma thanks for the help"

"Anytime" she hangs up

I get up and go take a shower I was in there a good ten minutes before I got out. I dry off and put on my black jeans white t-shirt my black and white vans and my gray jacket I got in the jeep and headed to Mariah house. Once I got there I took a deep breath and got out the car I went up to the door and waited for her to answer but she didn't open it her sister did.

"What the fuck do you want nigga" she said with anger in her voice

"Where's mariah" I questioned

"She doesn't want to see you anymore you bastard"

"Look Alex I just need to talk to her for a minute that's all can I do that"

"Nope" she tried to close the door but I put my foot against it

"Alex please I really want to apologize to her it's only right just give me five minutes please"

"Ughhhh fine you got five minutes nigga ight" she opened the door

"Thanks where is she"

"Upstairs in her room" she pointed

"Ok thanks"

I went Up the stairs and walked in her room she was all curled up under the covers she looked like a baby I felt so bad that I did this to her.

"H-hey Mariah baby can we talk"

"Go away chancelor just go away" she sniffed

"Baby all I want to do is talk"

"No I never want to see you again leave me alone"

I felt like I took her soul away from her she didn't turn around to look at me I took off my jacket and shoes and got in the bed with her I got under the covers and held her tight she had her eyes closed the whole time.

"Mariah baby I'm so sorry for what happened last night I had one to many drinks plus I was smoking she was just there at the time and I didn't want to fuck her I swear but I did I'm just sorry Mariah I fucked up bad I understand if you don't want to see me anymore or talk to me I just wanted to apologize for my actions ok baby I'm sorry"

She finally opened her eyes her big brown eyes where puffy and red I couldn't believe I did this to her she just looked at me for and very long time I just let her I love her foreal

"I forgive you chance" she kissed me and hugged me

"Thank you baby I love you"

" you said it first this time" her voice started to break"

"I know baby girl I know"

I was all good with my girl and I was satisfied with myself I will never fuck up with her every again she sum special.

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