Brain Cells.

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The next morning I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom I handled business and came out. When I dropped Mariah off she didn't want me to leave so I spent the night out with her damn ion know what it is about this girl but she sure do got a nigga feeling some type of way. Last night when mama called Mariah a child it must have really hurt her. Mariah is an senior in high school when she goes back that will be the first day of her being a senior but ion care I'm not going to like her any less. I walk back into her room and see her still sleeping I get in her bed and lay kisses on her forehead she starts to move some then she opens her eyes.

"Good morning ma"

"Mmmm good morning chance" she rubs her eyes

"You straight?"

"Yea I'm cool, you hungry?"

"Yea what you Finna cook"

"Ion know what you want" she asked sitting up

"Don't matter I could eat anything"

"I bet you could"

She chuckled as she got out of bed she walked to the bathroom and did her business. She came out and put her hair in the ponytail Mariah was wearing some pink and gray boxers and a white shirt damn she was looking good to good she was in the mirror fixing her hair then I start looking at her ass then she turned around. I just was staring at her Mariah was a beautiful soul she was smart, intelligent, funny, sexy just amazing. I'm going to be upset when she start school in the fall. We both go downstairs so she can start cooking like I always do I watch her.

"Chance what is you looking at"

"Damn I can't watch you"

She chuckles "I guess chance"

When she's done with the food we sit down and eat at the table Mariah is a very good cook I'm glad to my last girlfriend couldn't cook for shit so I just told her how it was. After we finish I put out plates in the sink and go sit on the couch Mariah joins me she lays her head on my chest and we watch adventure time.



"Does your mom do that to all the girls you meet?"

"To be honest no this is her first time doing it I really don't know why she doing this"

"You think she will open up to me"

"Yea I hope so"

"Ok cool"

Mariah turns her attention back to the tv I look down at her my mom has really gotten to her I got to make things right with my mom. I don't want Mariah thinking my mom doesn't like her cause I plan on keeping her around I think she's good for me. I was going to say Something to Mariah but she was sleep I picked her up and took her back to her room and layed her down.

"Chance where you going?"

"No where ma why"

"Come lay with me please"

"Ight" I gets in the bed with her


"Wassup ma"

"I love you"

"I love you to baby girl" I kissed her forehead

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