Missing you.

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I walk outside and getting in my black jeep well today is the day I pick my mom up from the airport shit this is going to be a long ass week on my part. Before I even walked out the door I made sure my house was clean and ready for my mom arrival. I make my way to the airport listening to schoolboy q blasting it all of a sudden I get a call from my mom I answer.


"Ma I know that you really don't have to shout" I said calmly

"JUST GET YO ASS UP HERE" she hung up

Fuck here she go yelling and shit she's not even in the car with me yet and she already yanking off at the mouth. I pull up to the front and park my car I get out and walk inside the big airport my mom texted me and told me to meet her by the baggage claim I do as I am told and go. At the baggage claim I take a sit and pull out my phone I then look up and see this sexy ass girl she had long black hair that I was assuming was a weave I'm not sure some black leggings that made he ass look fat as fuck a black v-neck some white nikes and a green jacket "damn" I thought to myself she was looking good she grabbed her bags and start walking off I chased after her.

"Ay ma what's your name" I asked

"Um that's not how you approach a girl" she chuckled

"My bad love might I ask again what's your name"

"Yea it's Mariah what's your" she said showing her gap and her dimples

"That's cute and my name is Chancelor but people call me Chance" I smiled

"That's a very nice name Chancelor"

"Do you mind if I ask for your number Mariah"

"Um sure why not"

She asked for my phone and put her number in then she left I was smiling hard as hell then I turn around and see my mom standing in front of me my smile went away. "Aw fuck" I thought he she go

"Chancelor when I say meet me somewhere I mean it not getting girls phone numbers"

"Hello to you to ma" I hug and kiss her forehead

"Hey baby boy how you been"

"I'm living that's all I can do" I say taking her bags

"I know that's right"

On the way home I stopped to get my moms something to eat Mariah and I haven't stop texting each other since she left the airport. We made it to the house my mom passed out in the guest room so I just left her there to sleep it off damn to be so honest I missed my mom.

A/n: hope you like it vote 3+ comment 2+ I really need y'all to tell people about this book I need more votes.


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