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Back at the crib I got Mariah on my couch with her legs on me at the moment we watching spongebob damn, she knows every word to this episode we watching I look at her as she pushes her big glasses up on her face and blows a bubble. She's so cute I chuckle to myself then she looks over at me.

"What's so chance" she looks up at me

"Nun....four eyed" I laugh she hits me hard as shit in my chest

"Aww fuck Mariah that hurt"

"Don't call me four eyes then punk"

"Ok ok I won't but, are you hungry?"

"Yea I could eat" she follows me to the kitchen

"Ight lets go"

"Where we going"

"To get some food, where else"

She laughed "Chancelor you got all this food and you wasting your money on going out to eat I can cook ya know" she crossed her eyes and smiled

"No you can't Mariah"

She scoffed "can to watch"

She walks into the kitchen and pulls out some pasta, pasta sauce and shrimp I sit down at the bar and watch her as she took out the pots and stuff she turned on the stove and and started cook. A while later it started to smell really good my mouth starts to water I'm glad she can cook cause ever since I got my house I've been eating out and that was two years ago. Twenty minutes go by and she was done she gives me my plate and comes sit next to me we start to eat.

"Well" she says

"It's to fye like damn girl"

She laughs "thanks chance I get it from my mom, she's a chef"

"Well her daughter can cook to" I stuff my face with the pasta

"I know it's good, you of something to drink?"

"Yea I got Arizona's in the fridge"


My phone rings and I look to see its my mom I really didn't want to answer but I do anyway.

"Hello" I say

"Chance I'm coming home and your father wants to come in and say hi to ya alright"

"Ma I don't wanna talk to him why you keep pushing me to"

"Because he really wants to talk to you"

"Ight ma bye" I hang up in her face

"Who was that" Mariah asks as she brings the drinks back

"My mama"

"Oh do I have to leave?"

"Hell naw you can stay"


I smile at Mariah and we go sit on the couch to watch tv as I'm watching an episode of family guy I see head lights I throw my head back and blow my breath out. I can feel Mariah looking at me I look over at her and she turns her attention back to the tv. My door bell ring and I get up fuck I don't wanna see, hear, or speak to this nigga but it only for tonight right?

"CHANCELOR MY BOY" he yells Mariah looks over

"Hi" I shake his hand and they both come in

"Mama this is Mariah, Mariah this is my mama Lisa"

"Hi" Mariah says showing her gap and dimples

"Hi" my mom says with attitude

"Ok mama" I say trying to avoid conflict

"Mariah how old are you?"

"I'm eighteen"

She laughs "Chancelor your twenty two and she eighteen she a child

"Mama no she's not"

"She is to"

Mariah look up at me as if she wanted to cry but instead she left my side and got her things and left. She didn't drive over here I picked her up so I ran outside and saw here half way down the street I ran after her.

"Mariah slow down ma where you going?"

"Home Chancelor I'm going home"

"Because of my mama don't let her get to you girl"

"Just meet me and she already don't like me"

"That's just how she is I'm sorry ok"


"Come on let me take you home"


We walk back to my car and I take her home when I come back I will talk to my mom about this.

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