New Book?

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Hope: A Nash Grier Fanfiction


          I sigh as I zip up the last of my suitcases. I cant believe i'm doing this. I'm moving to Florida for a while, to live with my Grandma. I couldn't stay here anymore. After Cameron told me that our relationship was fake and slammed the door in my face, I haven't been the same. No one at my school believes me when I tell them what happened. Everyone thinks i'm fake and I just did it for attention. Sarah totally ditched me and Jackie moved to California to be closer to Matt. We still talk, but it isn't the same. I bring my suitcases to the back of my moms car and load them in the trunk. I get in the passenger side and wait for my mom to come out of the house so she can drive me to the airport. I grab my phone and check the time. I unlock it to text my Grandma but stop when I see the twitter app. I sigh as I think of how magical one simple app made me feel. Having fans. Getting follows from famous people I adored. I eventually had to deactivate my account because of all the hate I got. The driver door opens and my mom gets in and starts the car. As we back out of the driveway I look at my house. I'm not sure if i'm going to miss it or not. It had good memories but also bad ones. Once we get on the expressway put my headphones on and stare blankly at the brisk Michigan landscape. Before I know it, my mom is pulling into the airport and we grab my stuff and head to baggage check in. After that I hug my mom goodbye. She makes an attempt to change my mind about leaving. 

"I'm going to miss you so much" my mom sobs as she hugs me one last time.

"Don't worry about me mom, I'll be ok" I smile as I hug her back.

     Once I let go, I grab my purse and walk to the gate and onto the plane. Once I find my seat, I sit down and take out my phone from my purse and turn on some soothing music and slowly drift to sleep.

     I wake up about an hour later, confused. I turn to my right to see a girl typing on her phone rapidly. I sit up and quickly search my purse to make sure this girl didn't take anything. Once I double check everything, I turn my back to the girl and try to tall back asleep. After a few minutes, I feel a hard tap on my back. I turn around to see the girl staring at me with an excited expression.

"Can I help you?" I ask, not wanting to be bothered. 

"Are you Hannah Clearwater?" The girl asked, her squinty blue eyes boring into mine. 

"Um..... yeah..." I say trying to decide if this girl is a crazy fan who hates me or not.

"OMG OMG OMG OMG TELL ME ALL ABOUT TAYLOR" She screeches getting very close to my face.

"Um..... I'd rather not talk about Magcon" I say as I slide away from her.

"OMG i'm sorry how rude of me! I'm Tiki" The girl shouts as she thrusts her hand in my face.

Slowly shaking it I say "I'm Hannah"

"This is so cool! I've never been able to talk to someone who has actually met any of the boys before, oh wait i'm sorry you don't want to talk about them I wont bother you just OMG OMG OMG i'm so excited for magcon Miami in 2 weeks!" she whisper shouts. I close my eyes for a few seconds before something clicks. Magcon...... Miami........ 2 weeks???? Oh no....

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