Chapter 18

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Hannah's POV

I was super excited for dinner. This was a really nice restaurant. Cameron held the door for us as we walked into the restaurant. When we all go in, the host led us to our table. The waitress soon came and took our drink orders. I didn't like the way she was flirtatiously looking at Cameron. When she came back with our drinks, I made sure to over exaggerate my grabbing Cameron's hand to show that he was taken. The waitress flipped her hair sassily and walked away while I stuck my tongue out at her. Cameron chuckled and kissed my cheek as I looked at the menu. I decided to get lasagna. A new waitress came back to take our food orders. While we waited for our food, we talked about the movie and vine. I was having so much fun. Finally our food came and it was delicious. I ate almost all of it. Cameron had spaghetti and had some sauce on his face. I laughed as I got the napkin and wiped it off. After that we just all talked about everything. We paid the bill and went back to Cameron's place.

"Tonight was so much fun" Jackie says as she kisses Matt.

I throw a pillow at her and tell her to get a room.

"I'm pretty tired, I'll get some blankets and sleep on the couch. You can take my bed Hannah" Cameron says.

"No no it's your house, I can sleep on the couch. Really it's no big deal" I say grabbing the pillow I threw at Jackie as her and Matt continue to make out.

"Babe I'm not gonna allow you to sleep on the couch" Cameron says as he takes off his shirt and gets on the couch.

I have to peal my eyes away from his body and look at his face.

"Thank you" I say as I kiss his cheek.

"You can wear a t shirt and boxers from my drawer" he informs me.

I go upstairs to his room and get changed. I go back down stairs to get a glass of water when I hear a whistle.

" you look amazing in my clothes" I hear Cameron say as he smirks from his makeshift bed.

"Go to sleep" I say, laughing.

I go back up stairs and jump into his bed. I lay for a few minutes as a inhale his scent all over his bed. I wonder what kind of body spray he uses. Soon im slowly falling asleep.

(I've had a lot of writers block lately and I'm not sure if I'm going to continue the story comment what you think I should do. If I decide not to continue I will post the ending chapter)

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