Chapter 8

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Cameron's POV

When I hear her say that my heart stops. Could this be true? Does she really love me? We just met. Wait no she's just sleeping, she cant possibly mean it. But what if she does? So many thoughts are going on in my head. How do I feel about her? I mean she's beautiful with her bright green eyes that could light up a city and her long wavy hair that flows down her back, and her awesome personality. How could you not like her. Hell, I might even love her. I have fallen for her and I haven't even known her for a week. I feel this strange connection that we are meant to be together and I always need to protect her and love her. She has to be mine and I'm going to make that happen when she wakes up. What if she doesn't feel that same way? This girl is giving me so many feelings. I've never felt this way before. Is this what love feels like? I was concentrating on my thoughts so much I almost missed the venue. I make a quick right and pull into the venue parking lot. We were going to hang out for a little then head back to the hotel. I need some alone time with Hannah first. I hear yawning and turn to see Hannah stretching. Well here goes nothing.

Hannah's POV

I wake up and look over to see Cameron staring at me with a nervous expression. "How did you sleep?" he asks in a shaky voice. I wonder whats wrong with him. "Good, umm where are we?" I ask.

"We're back at the venue. Umm Hannah can I ask you something?" Cameron says with worry in his eyes. Now im getting nervous.

"Sure" I manage to get out.

"Well um while you were sleeping I heard you say I love Cameron and I know it probably doesn't mean anything but I just wanted to talk to you about it." he says while running his hand through his hair.

At this point I'm really embarrassed. Did I really say that?

(A/n Update!!!!! I just looked and saw that awe have 3.8k reads!!!! I just wanted to thank you guys so much.)

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