Chapter 2

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(Night before magcon)

Tomorrow is the day of we are leaving for magcon and I am doing some last minute packing. I am bringing 3 pairs of high waisted shorts and 3 new crop tops that I brought. I will also be bringing along my signature pink vans. I can not wait for this warm weather considering I live in michigan. California is going to be so nice. Just as I am almost done packing the rest of my clothes my phone rings.



Me: Hey girl what's up.

Jackie: nothing just making sure your getting ready to leave for magcon. Our flight does leave at 8:00

Me: I know you won't have to worry about me I will be at your house at 6 so we can leave.

Jackie: ok sounds good me and Sarah will be waiting.

Me: ok cool get some rest

Jackie: oh and make sure you pack to impress

Me: ok ok I will I'm trying to finish now

Jackie: ok bye.

So after I get off the phone I finish packing. I put a few pair of jeans in there and my new leather jacket because there is a forty percent chance of it raining I pack a few more shirts and I'm on my way to sleep.

MORNING OF MAGCON: I wake up at 4 and take a quick shower. After I'm done I jump out and do light make up. Putting on a little cover up and light mascara and a line of eyeliner. And I finish off with my new lip gloss I brought from bath and body works. I hop on some black diamond studded pants with rips and a red crop top with some Marc Jacob wedge sneakers I got for Christmas. And put on my new black jean jacket. After I'm done dressing I straighten my long brunette hair and get into my car headed to Jackie's.


Me: you and Sarah get your ass out here where gonna miss our plane.

Jackie: ok calm I'm headed out gotta look good for my boys.

About 5 minutes later jackie and Sarah come rushing out and putting there bags in the trunk. Once we get to the airport we rush and get our stuff checked in and get on the plane.Most of the plane ride is silent. Jackie and Sarah occasionally talk about how here excited to go to magcon. I stay quiet most of the time listening to my music. After a few hours we land and get ready head to the hotel with 2 hours till magcon starts.

"Are you guys excited for magcon" Sarah says

"Hell yeah you know it". Jackie whisper screams.

"Ok you guys keep it down and let's get ready we have to leave to go Down to the reception soon" I say uninthusiasticly .

I change into some sweatpants and throw on a pink crop to that says obey and my pink vans. I also throw on a sweet shirt. Jackie puts on black high wasted pants with a blue crop top and a Taylor Caniff bandana, wearing a lot of eyeliner and mascara. Sarah has on regular blue jeans with a sleeveless tie dye shirt and a light varsity jacket. She had slightly less make up then jackie. They both look better than me but I don't care. I'm not trying to impress the magcon boys like everyone else there.

"Ready to go meet my bæs" Jackie asks.

"Let's get this over with" I say
Jackie shoots me a glare and I give her a slight smile.

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