Chapter 7

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                                               I hop in the passenger seat and put my seat belt on. Cameron walks in front and gets in on the driver side. He starts the car and backs out if the parking space and turns onto the road. He puts on a SnapBack and sunglasses and hands me a pair. "I got these for you" he says slightly blushing. "Thank you"I say politely as I put on the sunglasses. I notice a symbol on the side of them. Ray bans. These must of been like $100. He turns up the radio and we can't stop by Miley Cyrus comes on. He starts singing and I can't resist the urge to sing too. When the song ends Cameron looks at me and says "you have a beautiful voice" "um thanks" I say blushing ." "So what movie are we seeing" I ask changing topics. "I'm thinking a scary one. How about insidious 2" Cameron asks. "Sure" I say not wanting to sound scared. We pull into the movie theater and Cameron pulls his hood up on his hoodie. "Embarrassed to be out in public with me" I ask kind of hurt. "Not at all" he replies while getting out of the jeep, "I just don't want fans to ruin out date". Did he just say date? I shake it off as I jump out of the jeep and jog to catch up with him. He opened the door to the movie theater for me. We walked up to buy our tickets and popcorn. We got a large popcorn for us to share. I got a water and he got a monster. I tried to pay for it but he wouldn't let me. "Magcons buying, remember" he said to me. We walked away from the counter, handed our tickets to the guy in front of the velvet rope. He let us pass and we entered the theater room. We sat in the top row. Other than a couple of teens we were the only ones here. Cameron took off his "disguise" and put the popcorn between us. It was kinda silent through the commercials. Suddenly the lights dimmed and the movie began. Cameron put his arm on the back of my chair. I wish it was on my shoulders. Wait what? The movie was kinda scary. At this one part I jumped into Cameron's lap on accident. He just sat there with a smile on his face so I quickly got back in my seat. When I went to get some popcorn out hands touched. I looked into his big brown eyes and looked away quickly, blushing. After that I shifted in my seat so part of my back was to him. When the move was over Cameron put his sunglasses and hood up and we walked back to the car. "Aren't you being a little dramatic with all of this" I ask as we get into the car. "You don't know how crazy my fans are" he says as he fixes his hair and puts his SnapBack on. "I bet" I say annoyed. "So how you liking L.A?" Cameron asks. "It's great" I say. We get to the ice cream parlor and pull up to the drive through. "What do you want?" He turns to me and asks. "A mint chocolate chip tornado" I respond. "Two mint chocolate chip tornadoes please" he asks the lady in the window. She was acting funny. She was shaking as she handed us our ice cream. "Bye Cameron" she said attempting to do a flirtatious hair flip. For some reason that irritated me. Cameron pulled out onto the highway and turned into the pier. We found a parking spot and got out and started walking to the roller coasters. We had to get wristbands first. We we're walking to a ride when the first wave of fans came. "OMG it's CAMERON DALLAS" they screamed while holding there iPhones and taking a million pictures. I was totally pushed to the side as they swarmed him. I got mad so I stormed off and bought some chili cheese fries.

Cameron's POV

I love my fans but they were interrupting my date with Hannah. After I signed a few thousand things the crowd gradually dispersed. I was frantically looking for her and spotted her eating alone at a table. She looked mad and sad at the same time.

Hannah's POV

While I was furiously stabbing my fries I felt someone sit by me. Pretending not to notice I continued to stab my fries. I know I shouldn't be acting like this but I can't help it. "I'm sorry about that, like I said, my fans can be crazy" Cameron says staring at me intently. I ignored him. "Are you mad"? He asked me. "No I was just hungry" I lied. "Well after your done, want to ride some if the rides?" "Sure" I said. When I finished, I threw away my tray and we got in line for one of the rides.


I had so much fun. Cameron was actually a funny guy. Maybe I was wrong about him. After we rode our last ride we went to the beach and watched the sun set. It was beautiful. I was really tired and was ready to go to bed. After we got back to the jeep I put my seat belt on and closed my eyes letting the hum of the engine lull me to sleep.

Cameron's POV

As soon as I pulled out of the pier parking lot Hannah fell asleep. As I was driving I heard her mumble something. She's so cute when she's sleeping. I turned down the radio to hear what she was saying and faintly heard "I love you Cameron"

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