Chapter 19

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I quickly got up and ran to the kitchen to see if there was any and there was! Cameron was wearing an apron as he was mixing the pancake batter for more pancakes.

"Umm hi" I say

"Hey, are you hungry" he says as he smiles and puts some pancakes on a plate.

"Of course!" I tell him as I sit down and grab a fork. I gasp as he turns around and I realize he's in his underwear.

"Something wrong?" He asks as he sets the syrup in front of me.

"No no nothing at all" I mumble as I blush and cut my pancakes.

After breakfast I borrow some of Cameron's clothes and head upstairs to change. When I'm done I go downstairs and see Jackie and Matt eating. I hear my phone beep in the living room so I go to get it. I see I have a text from Emily, my friend back home. I unlock my phone and open the text.

Chloe: hey I can't wait to see you this weekend!

Frowning I type back my reply.

Hannah: what do you mean?

I wait A few minutes before she replies.

Emily: Its the 17th! Your leaving the 19th remember?

Suddenly it hit me. I am leaving in 2 days. 2 days and I won't see Cameron for who knows how long.
I walk back into the kitchen depressed. I sit down and stare at my phone with a blank expression.

"What's wrong?" Cameron asks as he sits down next to me.

I sniffle before I say "I have to go in 2 days"

Cameron's eyes go wide before he hugs me.

"Let's make these last few days your best then." He says as he smiles.

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