Chapter 16

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Hannah's POV

A week has passed since the incident. I still stay in our hotel room, everyday. I'm usually alone. Just me, my food, and Netflix. Jackie is usually with Matt or shopping with Sarah. I can't believe I'm acting like this. We weren't even dating. I keep telling myself that, over and over.

Jackie's POV

Matt and I are officially dating! He is super sweet and adorable. We've hung out almost everyday for the last week. Right now we are at this frozen yogurt shop right on the beach. I order a strawberry flavored one. Matt orders an orange creamesicle flavored one. He insists on paying for everything. We make our way to a table and start to eat when he says "I'm really worried about Cameron, he hasn't come out of his room at all. When Taylor tried to get him out, he threw a shoe at him."

"Hannah's not any better" I say, "Do you think Nash actually forced her to kiss him?"

"It's what it looked like to me" he says as he eats a spoon full if fro-yo.

"YOU NEED TO TELL CAMERON" I screech as I drag him out of his chair and to the car.


Hannah's POV

I was just finishing a bowl of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream when there was a soft knock on the door. I lazily make my way to the door and look out the peep hole.

"Cameron!" I squeak as I unlock the door and open it.

It's silent for a couple seconds before he says "Can we talk"

"S-sure" I stutter as I open the door wider. I lead him to the couch.

He sits beside me and stares at me.

"Um......" I say as I mess with my sweatshirt strings.

"I believe you" he says, almost in a whisper.

I stare at him shocked.

"Matt told me what happened and I talked to Bart and Nash was removed from Magcon." he explains. "And there's also one other thing I need to talk to you about"

"What would that be?" I ask, kind of nervous.

"I like you a lot Hannah. I don't know for sure if it's love but it could get there. I would never ever hurt you I swear. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks gazing into my eyes.

I stare at his beautiful eyes for a couple minutes before I say........

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