Chapter 12

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We walked out onto the side walk. He opened the door for me and I got into his jeep. He is such a gentleman. He gets in the driver side and speeds off. I got my sunglasses that he got me and put them on. He turns on the radio and looks for a good song. I wasn't worried of crashing, I always felt protected when I was with him.

"Soooooo, Where are we going?" I ask him.

"It's a surprise" he answers smiling.

We continue to make small talk as we speed down the highway. We finally turn into a parking lot with a big sign saying MINI GOLF AND GO CARTS.

"Mini golf?" I ask Cameron.

"Yeah, do you not like it?" he asks worriedly,

"No" I answer with a straight face.

"Oh, we can go somewhere else" he says glumly starting the car.

"Cam I'm kidding, I love mini golf." I say worried I hurt his feelings.

He sighed in relief.

'Good, I had a back up plan but this was my first choice to go" he says as he hops out of the Jeep.

Was he really worried that I would say I didn't like this date?

He opens the door for me and and we walk to the ticket stand.

Cameron insists on buying the tickets and I let him. I would pay him back later.

(Im skipping the mini golf because It would be kinda cheesy and boring and BTW this takes place outside)

The mini golfing was a lot of fun. I beat Cameron. He insists that he let me win but I know better.

After we finished mini golf we got in line for the go carts. I got in a red one. He got in a black one. I notice that he is staring at me. I give him a wink slam on the gas. I make it to the bridge when I am rear ended. I quickly glance over my shoulder and see its Cameron. I slam on the brakes so he has to swerve around me. Im laughing my head off as we bump each other trying to get in front of each other. It's the last lap and Cameron is about 10 feet behind me. I laugh as I glance at the bridge above me and see Nash. He looked pissed. I look down just in time to turn and hit the rail. I look back and see that Nash is gone. Did I imagine that? The go cart had padding on the side so I drive back to the station. I see Cameron unbuckling his seat belt. He climbs out and walks over to me.

"Are you ok? You looked like you've seen a ghost." Cameron asks.

"Yeah it's....Nothing," I say not wanting him to think I'm crazy.

"Ok well lets go get some ice cream!" He says excitedly.

We walk out of the go cart track and go to the ice cream shop. I order a blue moon. Its been my favorite since I was a little kid. Cameron orders a huge brownie Sunday with a lot of whip cream and sprinkles. I laugh as he tries to eat it. There is no way he will finish it. I look down at my phone and go on twitter. I only have like 30 followers but I don't mind. I only re-tweet stuff that I find funny,

"Whatcha doin" Cameron asks me.

"Twitter" I say not looking up.

"Whats your username?" he asks me.

"Umm......@Hannahbanana25" I say blushing. (BTW thats not a real twitter name)

He pulls out his phone and I assume hes tweeting his fans.

I go back to seeing the tweets when I see that Cameron has followed me.

I look up smiling. He grins as he puts his phone in his pocket.

"Ready" he asks me.

"Yeah" I say getting up

Wow he actually finished that ice cream.

After a little debate I pay and we walk back to the jeep.

"Hey want to come over with your friends tonight for pizza and a movie" Cameron asks me.

"Yeah, Jackie gonna freak" I say as I text her telling her to get ready.

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