Chapter 15

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(Yes the next chapter is here!!! Anyway hope you enjoy. This one is just a filler. I know Cameron lives in chino hills but pretend that he has a rich uncle who is letting him use his house in Hollywood)

Cameron's place was on the other side of town from where the hotel I was staying at was. I ran out the front door, down the drive way, and down the road. After about a half mile, I slowed to a walk, tears streaming down my cheeks. I can't believe Nash would do that to me. Cameron hates me now. I shouldn't be so upset and neither should he, we weren't even an official couple.

Once I'm about 2 miles from Cameron's house, I call an uber to come pick me up. I sit on the curb and rest my forehead on my knees waiting for the uber driver. After about 10 minutes I hear a horn honk. Quickly looking up hoping its Cameron my heart sinks as I see a car pull up. I walk up to the car and the man rolls down the window. "Are you Mrs. Clearwater?" he asks. I show him my ID and get in the back door. I tell the driver the address and lean my head against the window. I gaze out the window at the dark California landscape. It's takes about a half hour to get back to the hotel. I pay the driver and get out of the car. I glumly walk to the elevator, push the correct floor, and wait as the elevator speeds up. When it reaches my floor I walk out and get to my room. I unlock the door and walk in, to upset to change into my pajamas. I climb into bed, fully clothed and after crying for an hour, and drift off into a horrible nightmare.


I wake up and lazily drag myself into the shower. Jackie and Sarah aren't here. They must've spent the night at Cameron's. Just thinking about him makes me sad. I still can't believe that Nash would do that. After showering I get dressed in pajama pants and a sweatshirt. I grab my phone and hop into bed. Today is going to be an ice cream and Netflix day. I go on twitter for a couple minutes. Aimlessly scrolling through my timeline I spot a tweet from Cameron.

@Camerondallas: so upset right now, I hate fake people.

I lock my phone and throw it on the other bed and turn on Netflix. After deciding to watch the last house on the left, I order ice cream from room service and get submersed in the movie.

After about 6 hours later Sarah and Jackie come walking through the door laughing and giggling. I don't know why but I start crying. I can't stop thinking about him. His perfect hair, his Gorgeous eyes, his amazing abs.

As soon as Jackie and Sarah see me they come rushing over. Jackie hugs me as Sarah changes into pajamas. Jackie does the same and we spend the rest of the day watching movies.

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