Chapter 14

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Hannah's POV

There was Nash at the door grinning cheekily as he strides in.

"Hey Hannah" he says as he sits in between Cameron and I.

"Hi Nash" I say, kinda upset that I can't sit next to Cameron. Matthew was on my left and Nash was on my right. Matthew and Jackie were sitting really close together. I hope he asks her out soon. Sarah and Taylor looked comfy but not in a dating way.

Matt presses play and the movie begins. Nash casually puts his arm behind me. I turn my back to him and occasionally sip on my Slurpee as I see the poor girl run away from leather face. I feel a hand sneak into my popcorn bowl. I look up and see Nash's face grinning as he tries to get my popcorn. I swat his hand away and put my bowl protectively next to me away from Nash's greedy hands. He shouldn't even be here! I doze off for a bit when I am awoken by a scream and flying popcorn. I quickly turn to my left and see Matt covered in popcorn and Jackie laughing on the floor. Apparently Jackie scared Matt. I grin and turn my attention to the movie. Matt has a blanket wrapped around him staring intently at the movie. Nash tries to steal my popcorn a couple more times but I slap his hand away. I glance over Nash and see Cameron watching me. I mouth 'I'm sorry' to him. He looks sad. I glance at my phone and notice it's about to die.

"Anyone have a charger" I ask.

"I do" Nash says, "Follow me"

"Thanks" I tell Nash.

Cameron gets up to go to the bathroom as I follow Nash upstairs.

"Where is it" I ask Nash.

"Right here" Nash says.

Nash runs up to me, throws me on the bed and starts kissing me. He puts his knees on my hands so I cant hit him as he continues to kiss me. I furiously try to get out of his grip by thrashing my body. Suddenly the door swings open. Out of the corner of my eye I see Matt looking horrified.

Nash stops kissing me and glares at Matt. "Get out" he yells

"MATT" I yell trying to get Nash off of me.

"Sorry, Sorry" Matt says as he shuts the door.

Nash continues to kiss me as I thrash about.


Matt walks down the stairs, looking embarrassed.

"Did you get the movie" I ask Matt.

"No but I did see a pretty heated make out session" Matt says as he sits beside me.

"Who was making out with who" Cameron asks as he walks in the room.

"Hannah and Nash" Matt says tossing some popcorn in his mouth.

"WHAT" Cameron screams as he sprints up the stairs.

"Whats going on" I ask Matt.


I hear footsteps stomping up the stairs. Right as the door opens Nash jumps off of me and screams "What are you doing Hannah, get off of me!"

Cameron bursts through the door looking heart broken

"Whats going on!" Cameron exclaims.

"I wanted to show Hannah the city view from up here and she starts kissing me!" Nash yells.

"That is such a lie! Cameron please, Nash attacked me and threw me on the bed and started kissing me!" I say, crying now.

"I cant believe you would do this to me" Cameron says. "Get out of my house, I never want to see you again"

"Please Cameron, don't do this" I beg him.

"Get out" Cameron yells.

Tears blur my vision as I run out of the room, down the stairs, out the front door, and down the driveway, my heart broken.

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