Chapter 6

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I get out of the shower and quickly dry off so Sarah and Jackie can do my makeup and hair. I put on the outfit that Sarah picked out for me and put it on. I turn off the bathroom light and when I step out I am rushed to a chair and they get right to work. Jackie does my hair and Sarah does my makeup. It takes a good 45 minutes. I must admit, I did look nice. I just wish I was going somewhere else. My hair is light brown with a tint of ombré at the bottom flowing down at my waist with slight curls at the end. My makeup is light and clear shimmery lip gloss. Not too much but noticeable. I grab my purse and we all walk to the elevators. When the elevator gets to our floor we get in and press the lobby button. As the elevator descend Jackie and Sarah start going into excited spasms. When the elevator reaches the lobby we get out and run through the front doors. We get into a waiting cab and tell the driver the address. It's basically the same routine as yesterday. We get in line with a bunch of screaming girls and wait for the doors to open. I get out my phone and ear buds and listen to Confident by Justin Bieber. After about 10 minutes the line starts moving and we get inside the same room as yesterday. The guys come out and and start dancing to Lip Gloss by Lil mama. They did a few more dances and then a cute kid who im guessing is Shawn came out with a guitar came out and started singing Say something by A great big world. He was really good. After that these two kids both named Jack started singing a song called flights. It was ok. After that Nash came out and said "Ok that's it for today, See you guys tomorrow!" After that all the girls started to leave and soon it was just me, Sarah, Jackie, and the girls from yesterday. "Good luck and tell us EVERYTHING that happens!!!!!!!!" Jackie screams as her and Sarah leave. I scan the room and spot the punk girl from yesterday, and I go stand by her. I wind my ear buds around my phone and shove it in my pocket. "So, you excited for this?" I ask the girl. "Not really" she says, "Im Hannah" I say. "Chloe" she says. "Ok, line up over here so I can get your passes." a security guard says as he stands by a door. All the girls except for me and Chloe rush to the door squealing with their Iphones in hand as they cheer. Chloe and I walk to the back of the line and wait as the security guard checks our passes. One girl got kicked out for having a fake pass. As I make it to the guard I hand him my pass and walk in. Nash, Shawn, Jack, Jack, Matthew, Aaron, Carter, and Cameron were there talking to each other. Jackie made me learn all there names last night. When I walk in Cameron instantly looks at me. I blush awkwardly as I stand in the back of the group with Chloe. As im listing to music Nash walks up to me and says "You look fantastic" "Oh um thanks, you too" I say. "See ya" he says as he walks back to the guys. I notice that Cameron is glaring at Nash. I wonder what thats about. "Ok we will each pick a girl to hang out with us for the day" Jack G explains as the girls let out another round of screeching. Before anyone can say another word Cameron Yells "I pick Hannah" as he walks by me.

Nash's POV

I can't believe Cameron picked Hannah, I wanted to pick her. Who wouldn't? All the other guys pick and I end up with this blonde girl, She looks nice but she isn't Hannah.

Hannah's POV

"How do you know my name?" I ask Cameron. "Your friend Jackie may have tweeted it a couple thousand times" he replied as he's chucking. "Great" I say. I notice that Chloe is paired up with up with Shawn. He looks happy. She looks bored but I can tell that she is secretly happy by the way she looks at him in the corner of her eyes. "So what exactly are we doing?" I ask Cameron turning to him. "First we are going to see a movie. Then we are going to go to the pier to get ice cream and ride some rides if that's ok with you." he says. "Sure" I say sounding un excited. I am actually kind of excited but I don't want him to know that, I don't want him to feel as though I am just another lucky fan that will bow down and kiss the ground he walks on. "Ok lets get going" he says as he leads me to the door outside. He opens the door for me and leads me to a black Jeep Wrangler.

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