Chapter 3

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As we walk out of our room I make sure I have my phone and wallet with the credit card that my parents gave me for emergencies only. I haven't told Jackie and Sarah because I know they would make me buy them all the magcon merchandise. We finally make it to the lobby with a bunch of "Omg this is really happening's" from Sarah and Jackie. We make it to the sidewalk in front of the hotel and I do my best cad whistle and flag down a cab. A taxi pulls up and we get in the back. "Let me guess. You girls are going to magcon" the cab driver says with a smile. "Is it really that obvious?" Sarah asked. "Of course it is, you two look like magcon billboards in those shirts." I say with intended sass. Jackie looks down at the smiling face of Matthew Espinosa on her shirt. I didn't realize we were moving until the taxi driver says "Ok that will be $7.50" I hand him the money and open the taxi door ready to leave the crowded car. After Jackie and Sarah pile out we look in awe at the line of girls waiting to enter the convention center. We finally make our way to the back not caring that I am the only one that doesn't have something magcon on. Sarah kept offering me her emergency Taylor Caniff bandanna. I was getting tired of all the other girls squealing so I pulled out my earbuds and played "what the hell" by Avril Lavigne. Suddenly there were a million screams and the line started moving forward. As we got through the front doors, we were ushered to a door on the left with the rest of the girls. "im going to go find the merch store" Sarah said. So it was just me and Jackie. Well actually it was just me. Jackie was to busy making friends with the other brainwashed girls. So I got out my phone and was searching for a new song when everybody started screaming and cheering. I looked up and saw the boys and Mahogany walking out on stage. The last one to walk out was him. Cameron Dallas. He was cuter in person. When he smiled I got butterflies. Whats wrong with me? Im not like this. Jackie and Sarah were screeching like banshees while they introduce themselvs. I rolled my eyes and scrolled through my songs when Nash said "Ok now we are going to have a spot light search the crowd for 5 girls to hang with us for the day tomorrow" Thats when Jackie really let out her screech. I'm pretty sure I the girls in front of her became slightly deaf from her. As I was looking at my phone I suddenly became hot and looked up to see a light shining down on me. "OMG" Sarah screamed. "GO UP THERE!!!!!!!" she yells at me and starts to push me up to the stage. I still cant process whats going on as I am being towed to the stage. As we make it to the base of the stage a hand is there to help me up. I take is and as I climb on stage I gaze into the eyes of Cameron Dallas.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been sick af but finally back (:

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