Chapter 1

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Although I didn't know it, the day I was invited to magcon might be one of the best days of my life. So I was sitting at the lunch table listening to my friend Sarah going on and on about Cameron Dallas's hair and how its so perfect. "I cant wait to see him, I am going to have him sign everything!" she squealed.

"Yeah, sounds great" I said. I tried to sound enthusiastic about magcon but I didn't see what the big deal was. Sure all the boys were cute and some of them were funny but some girls take it to an unhealthy level. This one girl got a tattoo of some kid named "Matthew Espinosa." So I was sitting there, eating my sandwich when my friend Jackie screamed.

"Did Matthew tweet another shirtless pic?" I asked, knowing she would glare at me. "No" she said, "Anna texted me saying that she can't go to magcon because her grades are to low so her parents are making her stay."

"Who's going to go to magcon with us then?" Sarah asked looking sad.

"Want to come Hannah?" Jackie asked.

"Uh sure, I could use a vacation" I said, not wanting to hurt her feelings.

"Great, I'll text you the details. Only two days away!" she squealed as she ran/danced away.

Well, at least I can say that I went to a magcon.

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