Chapeter 17

824 22 2

Hannah's POV

"Yes" I say still gazing into his eyes.

He hugs me really tight for a couple minutes before he let's go and says "thank you"

"For what" I ask, confused.

"For giving me this chance" he says quietly.

Cameron's phone rings and he answers it, and after 3 minutes he hangs up.

"Wanna go on a double date with me, Matt, and Jackie?" He asks.

"Sure what are we doing" I ask getting excited.

"We're going to go see a movie and go to dinner afterwards" he says, smiling.

"What movie are we seeing?" I ask kinda nervous.

"Halloween" (the one with Michael Meyers) he says enthusiastically.

"That's not it theaters" I say relieved.

"It's the 25 year anniversary so it's playing for 1 night only" he says as he goes to get his jacket.

"Greeeeeat" I say getting nervous. Michael Meyers is my all time worst. I can watch scream and Texas Chainsaw Massacre but not Halloween. I watched it when I was 5 and it scared me for life.

"Get dressed I'll be back in an hour" he says smiling.

"Byeeee" I say as I close the door behind him.

I take a shower and decide to go in skinny jeans and a T shirt. I curl my hair and put on my best make up and am just finishing when I hear a knock on the door.

Smiling I turnoff the bathroom light and sprint to the door and yank it open.

There he is. Cameron Dallas. My boyfriend. It feels kinda weird saying it or thinking it.

He's dressed in jeans and a button down shirt. And might I say he looked mighty fine.

"Shall we?" He asks holding out his arm.

I take his arm and he leads me to the elevator. Once it arrives we get in and he presses the lobby button.

"You look beautiful" Cameron says gazing at me.

"Thanks" I say blushing.

We reach the lobby and we walk out into the parking lot where I see his jeep. We climb in and he drives to the movie theater.

After about ten minutes we see the theater and he pulls into the parking lot. We see Matt and Jackie already there flagging us down. We pull into the spot next to them and get out.

"Heyyy" Jackie says.

"Heyyy" I reply

Matt and Cam do this weird bro hug. Them we walk into the movie theater.

The place is pretty busy. We walk up to the ticket window and get our tickets. Then we go to the concession stand and get pop corn, slushees, and kit kats. Of course Cam tries to pay for everything. After we get our food we find our theater and walk in. We get seats in the back and munch on popcorn until the movie begins. After about 3 minutes the lights dim and the movie starts.

Cam casually slings his arm around the back of my chair.

The starting scene plays and I'm already scared. The whole movie I was basically in Cameron's lap. Around the middle of the movie a glance at Jackie. She's really into the movie while Matthew is peeking above Jackie's shoulder. I giggle and return to my position screaming every couple minutes.

After the movie is over we throw our trash away and go to our cars. I climb in and wait as Cameron tells Matt the address to the restaurant. Finally he gets in and starts to drive to the restaurant.

"I hope you like Italian" he says as we pull into the restaurant parking lot.

"I love it" I say as I hop out.

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