Chapter 4

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     I'm still in a daze, my headphones dragging across the stage as I'm lead to a back room with about 7 girls. All of them look the same as Jackie and Sarah, with something magcon on them except 1. She looked like a punk girl with some band on her shirt. I could hear Cameron telling everyone goodbye. Suddenly the door opened and the boys walked in. "Ok so tomorrow after magcon, you will all show our security guards your pass, and then we can begin our day of fun." Explained Nash I think as he passed out passes. This earned a lot of screeches and squeals from the girls accept me and the punk girl. "Ok I guess we'll see you here tomorrow" said Taylor. I followed the girls out trying to block there screaming and whispering. As we pass the magcon room and enter the main lobby I hear wailing and screeching coming from my left.

      Without looking I already knew Sarah and Jackie were the ones causing all the noise. They sprint to me asking a 100 questions a second, most of them consisting of "did you see Cameron's abs?" Or "did matthew smell good?" "Calm yourselves, it wasn't all that exciting. They just gave me this pass and told me to come tomorrow after the meet and greet." I said as I held the pass. "Hey you got a pass!" This random girl screamed. "Uh yeah maybe we should leave" I said as I saw the girl eyeing me with a strange look. I feel as if she would kill me just to get this pass. "Yeah let's go but your going to tell me everything in the hotel room" said Sarah as we walked out to the front of the convention center. Jackie flagged down a cab and we climbed into it and drove off to the hotel. When we arrived, Sarah paid the driver and I was dragged to our room. When we got inside the room Jackie slammed the door, set me on the bed, and said in a serious tone "start talking". After I explained what happened, Sarah and Jackie begged for details. When I said there wasn't any, they just went to what they did best. Going on vine and twitter. I decided I needed a break and changed into my favorite swimsuit, an orange bikini with white polka dots. After I change I grab my phone, sunscreen, towel, and flip flops and yell "I'm going to the pool". I get no response from Jackie or Sarah so I shut the door and take the elevator down to the pool level. When the doors open I notice an indoor pool which is crowded with little kids and there parents so I walk around to the outdoor pool. I spot a lawn chair and run for it. I get to the chair and lay my towel on it. Then I take off my flip flops and lay down on the lawn chair and tan. It's not long before I hear a bunch of splashes in the pool. Probably some family who didn't want to be inside. So I continue to tan when I hear a masculine voice ask "is this seat taken?" I open my eyes and look to my left and see Cameron Dallas looking at me. I get lost staring at his abs for a couple seconds before I snap out of my daze and say "not at all". "Cool" he says and lays down on the chair next to me. "Your the girl that won the VIP access right" he asks me. "Yup" I say not really paying attention. After a few seconds I feel someone staring at me so I turn around and see Cameron looking at me. "Well?" I ask. "Usually girls are fan girling about now" he says like he's expecting me to grovel at his feet. "Well I'm not most girls" I say as I glare at him. I then turn my back to him and resume tanning. "Not a magcon fan huh" Cameron asks. I turn my face towards him and see that he is looking at me. Wow he has gorgeous eyes I think to myself. Wait. Mental slap. I don't like him. "It's not that I'm not a fan, it's just that I don't bow down to you and stalk you every day and constantly tweet you hopelessly trying to get your attention." I say. It's silent for a few seconds before he says "I know what girl I'm picking tomorrow" he says. Before I can get a chance to ask what he means he puts his earbuds in.

(A/n Ok so I'm sorry I haven't updated sooner. Home work sucks :/ but I will try to update sooner)

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