Chapter 20

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The last few days were amazing. We had so much fun just enjoying each other's company. I'm currently in the hotel room, packing up the last of my things. Cameron already decided that we would text each other every day when I get home. I pack one of Cameron's hoodies in my suitcase before I zip it up and take it off of the bed. I take one last look at the hotel room before I grab the key and walk out of the door, closing it behind me.

I meet Jackie and Sarah in the lobby. Sarah's on her phone and Jackie is talking to Matt. I walk up to the front desk and turn in my key.

"Did you enjoy your stay?" The women asks as she types on her computer.

"This will definitely be a vacation to remember" I say, smiling at the lady.

I grab my suitcase and walk to the jeep outside. I look around for a moment, remembering when I first got here. When I had my first date with Cameron. All of it. I smile sadly as I put the suitcase into the back of the black jeep. I get in the passenger side and see Cameron looking down, pouting.

I smile as I grab his face and kiss him. He kisses me back as Sarah and Jackie and Matt all get in the car. Cameron breaks away and starts the jeep. And we are off to the airport. We pass all the familiar places. The movie theater, the restaurant, the pier. I'm sure gonna miss this place. I silently promise to myself that I will come back here sometime. After a few more minutes we reach the airport. Cameron parks the car and we all get out. He grabs my suitcase for me and we all walk in. We get through security and reach the gate. Matt and Jackie don't say a word as they just hug. Sarah Is shuffling through her music on her phone. I look up and see Cameron staring at me sadly.

"This isn't the last time I'm going to see you" I say as I kiss him.

"I know, I just love you and miss you so much" he murmurs as he hugs me.

"Plane 303 now boarding" the loudspeaker says. People begin go grab what ever carry ons they have and walk towards the gate.

I grab my purse and link arms with Sarah and Jackie as we get on the plane.

I quickly get a window seat and look out the window searching for Cameron. After a few seconds I spot him in the crowd. He's on his phone. I kinda thought that was odd. Why won't he look at me? After a few minutes I decide he can't see me since these widows are kind of small. I quickly text him and tell him that I already miss him. I see through the window that he still is on his phone but he doesn't text back. Hmm odd. After a few minutes I turn off my phone and grab a book from my bag and start to read.

After a few hours we get back home. My parents are at the airport and take me home....

*6 months later*

It's been 6 months since I've seen Cameron. I texted him a lot but he's only answered to a couple, then not at all. I figured his phone number got changed. I tried to see his Twitter but whenever I tried to get on his profile it wouldn't let me. I kept trying to convince myself that he didn't block me, it was just a coincidence. Today I am in California going to surprise him. I'm super excited. I already planned what we are going to do. I become more excited as the plane lands. Once I get off the plane and get out of the airport I locate the rental car agency I had arranged to use. Once I sign the papers. I get in my rental car and drive to his house which is about 2 hours away.

*skip drive*

I don't bother getting a hotel since I know Cameron will let me stay with him. I pull into his drive way and turn off the car. I mentally prepare myself for this. After a minute I get out of the car and walk to the front door. I ring the doorbell and step back. After a few minutes some girl answers. I already don't like her. It's her posture and expression that just says 'I'm better then you'.

"What do you want" the girl says as if I'm wasting her time with nonsense.

"Umm hi I'm looking for Cameron Dallas" I say politely.

She rolls her eyes and sighs very loudly.

"Babe there's another one of your annoying fans here to stalk you" she spats.

Cameron walks to the door.

"Do you want a picture?" He asks in a bored tone.

"No of course not. It's me.... Your girlfriend" I say confused. Surely he couldn't have forgotten.

"I have many 'girlfriends' but only one real one and that's the girl you were bitching at before I came out here" he says in a rude tone. "Go inside babe, I'll take care of this"

After she walks in and closes the door Cameron turns to me.

"Look obviously you didn't get it so here it is, I don't love you or ever did. What we had was a one time thing cuz I was bored. But now I'm not bored so you can stop harassing me and leave me alone" he spits as he walks inside and closes the door.

I hear him lock it before walking away. I am in total disbelief. Did that just happen? I walk to my car and get in. I turn it on and drive a couple miles out of the city before pulling to the side of the road. It just hit me. He lied to me. He never loved me. I finally break down and cry. I cry for hours. Abandoned and hurt. Broken hearted.........


Soo that's the end of the book. Sorry it sucks. Kinda got out of that fandom. I may write more books in the future but it won't be a fan fiction unless something happens. So I guess this is goodbye. Thanks for reading it and staying through those boring chapters.

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