Chapter 10

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Hannah's POV

We made our way to the back door of the venue not holding hands since it wasn't official yet. He opened the door for me and I thanked him. We entered the back room with all the other guys. Cameron went to go talk to Nash so I walked up to Chloe. "Hey how did your day go?" I ask.

"Great, Shawn's really sweet and nice." She said in a daze. That makes two of us. "He's going to pick me up tomorrow and take me somewhere" she told me.

"Good luck" I tell her.

I pulled out my phone and saw about 100 texts from Jackie. I ignore them. I jumped when I felt someone grab me from behind. "Want me to drop you off at the hotel" Cameron whispers in my ear.

"Sure" I say giggling.

I notice Nash glaring at Cameron and I.

What's his problem?

Cameron and I walk out to the car. We get in and he drives me to my hotel. He drops me off at the front door. "I had a great time" he says looking into my eyes.

"Me too" I say blushing. I hop out of the jeep and turn around to see the side window rolled down.

"I'll see you tomorrow" he shouts.

"What?" I ask.

"Be ready by 10:00" he says and speeds off.

I walk into the lobby and get attacked by Jackie and Sarah. "WHAT HAPPENED!!?!!" They scream.

I calm them down and got them up to out room.

Once we all got inside Jackie slams the door and Sarah pushes me on the bed.

"Alright spill it" Jackie says glaring at me.

"Well Cameron turned out to be a complete jerk and tried to rape me" I say nonchalantly.

Jackie and Sarah just gape at me appalled.

"Calm down guys it was great" I say explaining what happened.

I didn't even finish the story before they started screeching. "Shut up and go to bed" I yell.

I got dressed into my pajamas and turned off the lights. I got in bed and slowly drifted to sleep to the sound of Jackie and Sarah's excited whispers.

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