Chapter 1

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-Kim Gilinsky POV-

"Senior year bro!" I squealed and grabbed the box of the cereal from my brother.

Finn grunted. "I'd rather drop out."

"We'll have none of that Finnegan!" My mom - Hannah - walked in with out little brother Logan behind her.

"School is so easy." Logan said taking an apple from the fruit bowl. Although he was only 10 years old - he is a genius and almost my height.

"Because you're in fourth grade." I shot back making Finn chuckle and nudge me behind the counter.

"Funny." Logan laughed fakely. "I'm doing better than both of you have done in fourth grade."

I rolled my eyes as our dad - Jack Gilinsky walked in with our youngest sister Isabella who had her black hair pulled back in a pony.

I love Isabella - she was born prematurely when my Mom was pregnant about five years ago. After a few weeks of intense hospitalization - the doctors could help her and now she's as healthy as ever.

"Must we always bicker on the first day of school." My dad asked.

It was so strange how Finn looked like him - well I did too because we were twins. Except I had brown hair.

"It's a ritual Dad." Finn shrugged, finished his breakfast and jogged upstairs probably to text his annoying girlfriend. Or whatever they are.

Finn had an on and off relationship since we were 13 years old with Candice Lawley. I don't know why they broke up and got back together over and over again. But I hated it and hated how Finn was so hung up.

I finished up breakfast then went to change into the outfit I was planning in my mind while eating. Dark blue jeans with a white off the shoulder sweater and white boots to finish the look. I was not the type of girl to go fancy just for school.

After 20 minutes, Finn and I were in his new black mustang on the way to school. My dad didn't want me to get a car because he thinks im not ready. Rolling my eyes.

We arrived at school, all the girls were already looking our way for Finn. Some of them wanted to be my friend just to get to my brother. I couldn't stand it.

"Wait." Finn said grabbing my hand before I got out.

"What's up?" I asked.

"If you have any guy trouble, you know where to find me." Finn nodded. "I know how the guys talk about you in the locker room."

I nodded. "Don't worry." I squeezed his hand.

I walked out and then went to find my best friend in the entire world. Brielle Espinosa.

Matt had only met his daughter 5 years ago after her mother died. Paternity tests were positive and Matt took Brielle in - she became apart of our family instantly and my closest friend.

I spotted Brielle and she waved at me from the huge school door. I jogged up to her with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey there senior." Brielle grinned and poked my side.

"Hello to you too senior." I chuckled and pulled her into a hug.

"Okay so summer vacation was too long!" I said as we linked hands and walked to our lockers - they were obviously next to each other.

"I heard you and Cj are official." Brielle nudged me. "He's been posting about you on Instagram."

A year or two ago that would have excited me but I've changed so much. I was the biggest bitch at school - trust me - but since being with Cj I've changed. I guessed he changed me.

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