Chapter 5

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-Kim POV-

"Hey mom." I plopped on my mother's bed on the Tuesday afternoon. She was busy working on her laptop.

"Yes honey?" She pushed the laptop to the side.

"Cj wants to take me out this Saturday, do you think I could go?" I asked her with an innocent smile on my face.

My mom sighed. "Honey you know I would let you go but - "

"Dad." I nodded. "Could you ask him for me?"

"Ask dad what?" My dad walked in as if on cue. He jumped onto the bed too, making me almost roll off.

"Someone asked me out on a date." I said with a smile. "Can I go?"

Dad groaned. "I'm not gonna fight you on this one so I'll let you. But curfew is at 10 okay?"

"Love you." I leaned forward and hugged my dad.

"I love you too Kimie." Dad ruffled my hair, an old gesture of his.

"Okay well I've gotta go study for that dang chemistry test." I got up.

"Wait." Dad said. "Check up on Finn for me will ya? He's distant lately - "

"I've got this." I said walking out and turning down the hallway to Finns bedroom.

I knocked, waited for him to respond then I walked in finding Finn sprawled on his bed with his laptop playing music. Some Fetty Wap. His Spanish books open.

"What can I do for you?" Finn looked up. He really did look bothered - maybe not very different but I know my twin.

"I just came to check up on you." I sat down on the floor at the foot of his bed. "You seem down lately."

Finn chuckled. "I appreciate it Kim but I'm fine."

I raised my brow. "You're not."

"What do you want me to say? That I'm sad and I'm having girl problems? Nobody likes a wuss okay?" Finn ranted.

"Geez Finn." I held up my hands. "I just meant you can talk to me, you don't have to hide it. We're your family."

"I have to finish Spanish homework." Finn said not bothered to continue this convo.

I wasn't giving up. "Okay look, I don't want to meddle but can I make a suggestion and please be open to it."

Finn sighed. "If you must."

"Let's do a double date." I said. "Cj and I are going out on a date this Saturday - I'll bring one of my cheer friends."

Finn made a face. "I'm not that desperate okay."

"You don't have to like her." I shrugged. "Just get out and stop thinking of Candice because its annoying."

Finn rolled his eyes. "Okay fine. I'll do this stupid double date if you never meddle again."

"Yes! This is gonna be so fun." I said getting up. "Trust me."

"That's why I'm afraid." Finn mumbled as I walked out of his room.

-Hannah POV-

"Pretty mama." Jack spanked my ass while I was taking my makeup off that night.

I blushed. "Daddy."

Jack snorted. "That's weird as fuck girl."

I finished up removing my makeup and sat on the bathroom counter watching Jack look at himself in the mirror. This was our nightly routine - I promise.

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