Chapter 36

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I know the months are going by pretty quick but I need to get to the part where Kim has a baby etc. Just in case some of you are still kind of confused as to how. Kim and Hayes' did sleep together a few months before she went to rehab. Hence she became pregnant and found out at the center. Hope y'all are on board!


Blackbear - 4u

-Hayes POV-

*Five months later*

"Look at you." I smiled and gazed at Kimberly as she walked out of school that afternoon.

I was here to pick her up as usual and couldn't get enough of how beautiful she looked - even in sweatpants and a hoodie. Her belly was just visible under the hoodie.

Kimberly was now six months pregnant with our baby and her belly was finally growing. She was really showy for six months.

"Hey you." Kim threw her arms around me, I could still pick her up and spin her around. "Missed me this much huh?"

I chuckled. "You have no idea how much I missed you." I kissed her forehead softly.

"Thanks for getting me early, we have that sonogram to get to." Kim said pulling away.

I was giddy with excitement and had to restrain myself from jumping all around. Kim and I were in a great place and had patched things up with the Gilinsky's.

Ofcourse not Jack Gilinsky. I figured he would never come around. As long as he wanted to be in his grandkids life - I accepted it.

Now we could actually enjoy the whole pregnancy thing.

"Shall we go?" I opened the door for Kim and helped her in - carefully enough while making sure she didn't get hurt or anything.

I went around and noticed all the stares we got. A few girls even waved at me with huge smiles. I sometimes forgot that some of them know about Magcon and all of that.

"Buckle up." I pointed to the safety belt.

"Hayes." Kim groaned because I always did that as she usually forgets when we drive anywhere.

"Thank you." I pecked her cheeks affectionately making her chuckle.

People still looked as we drove out. I also guessed that they were gawking at Kim and I because everyone knew she was pregnant now. And I wonder if she's having an okay time back at school.

"How's your classes going?" I asked Kim as we drove to our new doctor for the sonogram.

Kim smiled. "Classes are great, I'm all caught up with the work and I aced all my makeup exams so far."

"That's my girl." I winked at her. "I knew you could do this babe. You'll be able to graduate with everyone."

"Thank you." Kim beamed and ran her hand through my hair as I drove which distracted me greatly. "You always believe in me."

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