Chapter 22

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Troye Sivan - Surburbia
-Kim POV-

Today was finally the day. My 18th birthday was here. After taking a hot shower I raced downstairs to wish my brother.

"Finnegan Gilinskaayy!" I yelled as I jumped the last three steps and threw my arms around a sleepy looking Finn.

"Kimberly Gilinskaayy!" Finn laughed and spun me around as I squeezed him until he couldn't breath.

"You're legal now kid." I said when he put me down. I punched his stomach playfully.

He laughed. "So are you but!"

"Always a but?" I sighed.

"You're still my little sister." Finn winked and then ruffled my neatly straightened hair.

"Finn!" I aimed a kick at him bit he grabbed my leg while it was in the air. Finn laughed as I tried to balance myself and hit him at the same time.

"Kids." Logan mumbled and walk pass us shaking his head. "And you're the ones turning 18 today."

Finn snorted and finally let go of my leg. He chased after Logan, ruffling our little brothers hair. I followed them into the kitchen.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" A group of voices chorused as Finn and I walked into the kitchen. We were both caught of guard at the amount of family in here.

Mom and dad, Johnson and Ari, Brielle and Matt, Cameron, Taylor, Shawn, Carter, Maggie and Mahogany along with her boyfriend. My grandparents too.

But my eyes caught Hayes blue sparkling ones.

My heart almost exploded when he flashed me a smile. He stood in the back as everyone wished Finn and I for our 18th birthday. Isabella had me carry her, she didn't want me to leave in a few minutes.

"My babies." My mom teared up and hugged Finn and I together. "I can't believe you're already 18!"

"Mom, chill." Logan snorted. "At least I'm still here."

I stuck out my tongue but absolutely loved the kids sass. I mean where do you think he learns all that from? The one and only.

"I'm proud of you both." Dad kissed my forehead and hugged Finn. He was never an emotional guy but he cared about us and mom more than anything. I admired that about him.

"My girl." Brielle tackled me in a massive hug. "Even though I'm not 18 yet we're gonna get wasted."

I laughed. "I'd never do it with anyone else Bri."

So the birthday wishes and gifts came flooding in. It was only 9 a.m but I would leaving in about an hour to go see The 1975 with Hayes.

"Happy birthday babe." Hayes said to me quietly. He pulled me into a hug that would have been the best gift on earth. I felt his hands touch my back gently - like I was the most precious thing ever.

"Thank you." I smiled when I pulled away. "For everything Hayes."

"Hey." Hayes shook his head. "I would do anything for you Kim. I mean it okay."

"You're amazing." I chuckled.

The next hour passed with breakfast and reminiscing about Finn and I growing up. I loved having everyone around.

"Its almost 10 now!" My mom said excitedly as we were all just finishing up breakfast.

Hayes stood up. "We should get going before we miss the flight."

I stood up. The was going to be the first birthday I spend without Finn or my family. And it was pretty exciting if not nerve wrecking. I had jitters since last night while packing my back with help from Isabella and my mom.

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