Chapter 19

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I added the character pic again for those who maybe forgot! I know this chapter isn't much but I figured I owe y'all an update for being AMAZING so enjoy!

P.S: Austin Awake is like my new obsession with his rap covers omg! Go get his songs RN!!!!!

That is all :)

-Kim POV-

I went home with Hayes later that night, my mom invited him over a dinner with us. I couldn't hold my excitement in. Hayes had gotten me tickets to see The 1975 live and I was dying to tell Brielle who was also coming over.

"I hope your dad says yes." Hayes squeezed my hand as we walked over to my house. I saw Brielles car here already.

"I'm sure he will." I squeezed his hand back.

We had already unhooked hands as we approached the front door. It was so hard not being able to he open about our status. We couldnt do anything in front of people because nobody would accept us. Especially my dad.

"Hey baby don't look so sad." Hayes brushed my cheek with his thumb.

"Im just over all the hiding." I said quietly. We stood on our porch under the light. I just wanted to hug Hayes and kiss him whenever I wanted to.

He nodded. "It's gonna take time baby but I promise it'll be worth it all in the end."

"I know." I nodded.

"I'm gonna fight for you." Hayes ran his hands down my arms making me feel better already. "I'm not going to let you go no matter who stands in my way." 

I smiled. "I'm gonna fight for you too Hayes."

Together we went inside to find everyone just sitting down at the table for dinner.

"Finally you two!" Finn shot us a knowing smirk. "Where have you been?"

"Unpacking." I shot Finn wide eyes so he could cut it out.

"Come on, sit down guys." My mom kissed my cheek. She smiled at me warmly.

"Kim sit next to me." Isabella reached out for me. I smiled and went round to sit down beside her, leaving Hayes to sit down next to Logan. We were across each other.

"Hayes, you're gonna love the neighborhood." My dad said after we prayed and began dishing up.

"I already do." Hayes laughed and his eyes flicked towards me. I blushed and helped Isabella cut her steak into smaller pieces.

"How was detention?" I asked Brielle who stuck her tongue out at me. But then she wiggled her brows as a sign of we need to talk.

"I know." I mouthed to Brielle.

Dinner went on just fine. My dad and Hayes cracked a few jokes here and there. My mom glanced at dad lovingly and he would peck her cheek once in a while. I found that pretty sweet.

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