Chapter 11

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-Kim POV-

"What on earth were you thinking Kim?" My dad yelled at me.

It was 1 a.m and after my parents had called Matt to pick Brielle up, I was getting the lecture of my life. I'm pretty sure Matt would never let Brielle come over again.

I shrugged.

"Kim, something could have happened to you and Brielle!" My mom folded her arms and stood beside my dad.

They were both majorly pissed off.

"How did you even know we were there?" I asked.

My dad scoffed. "Someone called us thinking Finn was out late speeding down the road."

I almost face palmed myself for being so stupid and wreckless. I don't regret doing any of it but now I'm probably gonna be more careful next time.

"We headed to the nearest club." Mom said giving me a disappointed look. I felt awful now.

"Well its no big deal." I said. "We were gonna come back when you showed up anyway."

"Kim that is not the point!" Dad yelled. "I don't want to do this but you're grounded for two weeks."

"What?" I perked up immediately. "Two whole weeks? Dad that is so unfair!"

"We can make it three." Dad folded his arms.

I groaned. "You're so unfair!"

My dad shook his head. "Then why'd you do it Kim? You knew you shouldn't have, was it Brielle?"

"It was me, okay!" I said. "Im sick of always being the lame one. I'm not as nice as Finn or as clever as Logan and I didn't want to take ballet like Isabella!"

My parents looked at me.

"All I have is cheer leading and that gets kind of old." I continued. "How do you think I feel? Maybe I just wanted some freedom to be my own person."

I stood up angrily. "And stop pretending I'm some uncontrollable delinquent when it was like one time sneaking out!"

"Kim don't - "

"Just leave me alone." I mumbled trying not to cry and jogged off to my room, passing Finn, Logan and Isabella eavesdroping.

"What are we gonna do with her?" I heard my mom ask my dad.

I walked up to my room and shut the door, locking it too. I just didn't feel like talking to anybody and have them all look at me like I massacred ten thousand people.

I took a quick shower and changed into my pj's. Just as I got into bed I got a call from someone. It was Hayes - I didn't even bother answering so I ended the call.

I just hope Brielle is okay. I didn't want to get her into trouble.

-Brielle POV-

After my dad picked me up, I got one hell of a lecture. I was barely listening because I couldn't wait to text Kim. I felt such a weird rush of adrenaline but I hoped she was okay.

I wasn't grounded or anything because my dad knows I don't do it everyday. I told him it was a stupid impulse just to get away with it.

After being lectured some more, I finally went to my room and changed. I dialed Kim's cell but she didn't pick up. I'm pretty sure her parents were roasting her.

Just as I put my phone down, I got a text from someone. I check and noticed Finn's name. Every part of me wanted to ignore him and he deserved that. But its Finn and I missed him.

So I read it.

Finn G: everything cool? Kim's grounded.

Me: yup. guess I'll see her @ school

Finn G: BRI, I'm really sorry.

Me: save it Finn, idc anymore.

Finn G: I'm not trying to hurt you.

Me: really? Bcs you're doing a terrible job so far.

Finn G: Candice and I aren't even back together

Me: like I said, idc...

Finn G: I miss hanging out.

Then I just didn't reply back. What was I supposed to day? That I missed it too and fall back into a cycle with Finn. No thanks.

I got into bed and fell asleep almost instantly.


The next day, my dad dropped me off at school where I found Kim waiting at the gate looking tired and annoyed.

"What happened?" she asked immediately and hugged me.

I told her about Finn texting me and she told me about the argument with her parents.

"Does this mean we can be friends?" I couldn't help but laugh a little.

Kim snorted. "What are we? In fifth grade?"

"I'm kind of scared of your dad." I said as we walked inside.

"Don't be." Kim said. "He'll get over it."

We walked towards our lockers when Kim froze and turned to me. "I don't think we should go this way."

"Why?" I asked, confused.

Kim looked pass my shoulders. I turned slowly followed her gaze to find Finn and Candice holding hands while walking through the hallways.

"Wow." I mumbled watching them walk down like they're the shit. "I officially hate your brother."

"I feel ya sister." Kim slid her arm around my shoulder and turned me around. "Forget about them okay?"

"You're right." I nodded and opened my locker.

Just then our friend Rory came jogging towards us - he was really attractive but also gay. Rory was always trying to get Brielle and i to go to his parties.

"Ladies." Rory passed flyers to us.

I looked at it. "Party tonight? Its like the beginning of the year Rory!"

"So? Its Friday." He smirked and flicked his blonde hair. "Be there!"

"Can't." Kim said and pushed the flyer back to him. "I'm grounded."

Rory sighed. "Bummer. But Brielle has to show or I'm unfollowing you both on Twitter."

I raised a brow. Kim snorted.

"I'm serious." Rory folded his arms.

"Okay fine she'll go." Kim said just to get rid of Rory.

"I'm not going if you're not, Kim." I said stubbornly. "That's breaking the best friend code."

"I can't sneak out again, its too risky." Kim shook my head. "Besides Finn is probably going to go, my parents will be checking up on me."

I pouted.

"You're going!" Kim scolded. "Maybe you'll meet a cute guy and forget about my idiot brother."

I brightened up. "Okay maybe...if he doesn't look like Dylan O'Brien's son, I can't do it."

"Of course not Bri." Kim nodded.

Guess I'll be going out tonight.

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