Chapter 45

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-Kim POV-

"Welcome home!" Voices yelled as we walked into Hayes' house a few days after me giving birth.

I smiled at the familiar faces that all smiled as we walked in. Hayes came in behind me with Paisley awake in her little car seat.

"Say hi to everyone Paisley." Hayes said holding her up high. She let out a little sound as if in response to what Hayes said. He beamed proudly.

Everyone was around Paisley in a matter of seconds. Grandma took Paisley out of the car seat. Everyone all adored her and there was a bunch of gifts for her welcome home party.

"So I'm your uncle." Logan said to Paisley slowly as if she understood what he was saying.

"Can I put some ribbons on her hair now?" Isabella asked Hayes, she had ribbons in her hair.

Hayes chuckled. "Well, she doesn't have much hair right now honey but soon you'll be able to!"

Isabella was so hyped by that, that she rushed to my mother and demanded to buy new ribbons in multiple colors for her and Paisley.

My father was carrying Paisley now with a child-like look on his face. It made me happy. Hayes walked over to me and slid his arms around my waist.

"I'm really happy." He said kissing the tip of my nose.

"You and me both baby." I slid my arms around his neck.

Hayes looked at me in a new light ever since I gave birth to Paisley. It wasn't any less or more but just a little more pride. Like he hasn't seen some one else as amazing as me.

I wasn't complaining though.

"You're gonna be an amazing mom you know that." Hayes said. "I know you're stressing out lately but you'll be great."

"I just...I didn't really think this would happen so soon." I shrugged. "But I know I can do it because I have you to help me."

"I'm always gonna be there for you Kimberly." Hayes squeezed me in his arms. "You never have to questions that."

I couldn't say anything. I was at that point where simple or extraordinary words couldn't express how much I love Hayes. They weren't enough anymore.

So I leaned upwards and pressed my lips to his. Nobody paid attention to us, due to Paisley making her very first debut, so I let myself get lost in the kiss.

I wrapped my arms around Hayes and stood on my toes. He held me so close to him, I felt like we were almost one. I let my fingers twist in his hair as the kiss deepened.

Hayes groaned quietly against my mouth as we kissed harder. His hand ran along my back slowly, making me feel light-headed. My fingernails grazed the back of his neck a little which I knew he liked.

"Kimberly." Hayes groaned as he pulled away slowly. "This is kind of what got us Paisley."

I blushed. "I missed you, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize...I needed that after all the craziness." Hayes ran his finger across my cheek.

I nodded. I knew it wasn't really a practical idea but I wanted more of Hayes. Maybe it was just my hormones but I couldn't get myself to let go of him.

"Save that for later." Hayes winked making my face heat up. I knew he was kidding but...maybe he wasn't.

-Hayes POV-

Kim and I were woken up by a small cry coming from the cot in our bedroom on Kim's side.

"It felt like a dream - giving birth and everything." Kim said groggily as she sat up. Her eyes were still closed shut as she tried to stay straight.

I got out of bed first. "I'll get her, its okay baby."

Kim smiled appreciatively but still sat up anyways. She rubbed her eyes open as I picked Paisley out of her crib. She stopped crying but still groaned a little.

"I think she's hungry." Kim sighed and reached out for Paisley. "Come on, I'll feed her."

I took Paisley over to Kim and then got back in bed beside Kim. She had already started breastfeeding Paisley.

"I'm so tired." Kim sighed closing her eyes. This was the first time she had said that. "I know she's hungry but this is like the third time tonight."

She sounded edgy and I knew how much she tried to not sound annoyed at this. She wanted to love Paisley and that was it.

"Hey look, if I had boobs, you really wouldn't have to get up babe." I said, rubbing Kim's leg gently.

Despite the tiredness, Kim laughed loudly. "I can still count on you to make me laugh at like 3 a.m in the morning."

"'Course you can." I pecked her cheek a few times. "I'll be awake with you until 5 a.m if necessary. I promise you won't do anything alone."

Kim smiled at me. "I love you." She squeezed my hand.

"I love you." I said. "And I love you Paisley."

"We both do." Kim admired her again.

"You know this whole year has been so crazy." Hayes said. "We had like no control over everything happening in our lives."

He was right. For the past three years actually, we've been so unstable and messing up at everything. Paisley was the one good thing that came out of this year.

"No control and we still made it." I said as Hayes put his arm around Paisley and I.

Hayes wrapped his arms around Paisley and I. I felt so comfortable and safe in his arms. We all snuggled up and stayed like that until Paisley fell asleep.



I like this ending, I really did. I mean I wanted a cliffhanger but this is much better now that everyone is happy.

This is definitely the very last book in my Arranged Marriage (j.g) series so no fourth book. I'll be focusing on my other books as well as a new Derek Luh fanfic.

Hope y'all enjoyed.


- Simone <3

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