Chapter 20

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-Finn POV-

Tomorrow is the first of October and also Nash and Cassidy's wedding. I was stoked for that partly because I would walking down the isle with Brielle.

I hadn't lied when I said I broke up with Candice. It all started when Candice told me to write Brielle off completely as in defriend her. At first I agreed.

Then I just couldn't. I couldn't even imagine a life without Brielle in it. So I guess in that moment I realized that I did have feelings for Brielle. Like major. And not in that best friend or family friend type of way. I really do love her.

It just took me a few girls to realize that I do. I'm kind of angry at myself for that because it hurt Brielle more than I thought it did. She wouldn't tell me that but it did.

Hayes had just picked me up a few minutes ago so we could head out to a huge country house that Nash and Cassidy were getting married at tomorrow. At the country ranch, there were two huge houses on it, a distance from each other.

One for the guys and another for the girls. And the wedding would take place out in the fields. It had a pretty cool earthy vibe to it.

"You and my sister huh?" I said to Hayes as we drove out to the ranch which was an hour outside of our town.

Hayes rolled his eyes. "What are we, four Finnegan?"

"With the way you try to play it cool I'd think you are four." I shot back in a joking manner. Hayes and I were like that now.

Hayes shook his head. "You guessed huh?"

"She's my twin." I said bluntly. "I can tell and you guys make it pretty obvious - except to my dad though."

"Right." Hayes chuckled.

There was short silence before Hayes spoke again.

"I love her man." He said quietly and drove on. His voice was low and had a desperate tone - like he wanted a way to make it work.

I nodded. "Did you tell her?"

Hayes shook his head. "What if I scare her? I mean we've just started dating and its pretty fast you know."

"The way its going, I'm sure Kim loves you too."

"Its just hard to be normal because we're hiding it away. I'm like 24 bro its so messed up."

I frowned. "Oh come on. Don't give me that bullshit. In three days we're gonna be 18 so there's your loophole."

Hayes laughed. "You think your dad or some people would actually be okay with that? At the end of the day Kim is my best friends daughter."

"So?" I shrugged. "Kim's old enough to decide what's best for her...not sure of its you..." I laughed.

Hayes chuckled and punched me playfully. "What about you little wimp? You can't even make Brielle your girl."

I rolled my eyes. "Different story okay."

"Oh I see you." Hayes snickered and sped up - the ranch was a few minutes away.

"I can't make Brielle my girl. In fact I plan to do it soon." I said confidently.

"What makes you think she's gonna say yes Finnegan?"

"I just know." I said. "I mean we've had a thing for each other since a few years back when Matt brought her to Omaha."

"I'm just saying think man." Hayes said. "According to Kim, you've hurt Brielle. She's probably not ready for a relationship."

"I hear you." I nodded. Hayes is right, Brielle could shut me down completely.

I was rethinking my actions. Maybe all this needs is time.

-Kim POV-

"They're here." I said racing down the stairs to the front door as I saw Hayes care pull up the ranch driveway.

Brielle was helping Cassidy lay out all her stuff for tomorrow. I reached the door and yanked it open just as Hayes and my brother jumped out of the car. There he was.

I jogged down the porch and ran right into Hayes opened arms. He slid his arms around me and lifted me up in a huge hug. His strong arms tightened around me - the feeling of warmth rushed over me.

"You alright?" Hayes asked me quietly sending shivers down my spine.

I nodded. "I missed you."

"I missed you too babe." He chuckled softly, his fingers twisted in my messy hair. "One day is too long."

I laughed and pulled away after what seemed like an eternity. Still it wasn't enough for me. No time in the world would be enough for me. I needed him all the time.

"You look beautiful." Hayes trailed a finger down my cheek, making me close my eyes.

"Hayes." I smiled.

"Hmm why do I love it when you say my name." Hayes pulled me close so our noses were almost touching.

"You tell me." I smirked. Hayes smiled and pecked my lips softly - just quick enough to make me feel hot and want more of it. More of him.

"My beautiful...." Hayes linked our fingers together. I blushed as we walked into the girls side of the ranch house. My brother had already went in.

"What have you and my brother been doing?" I asked Hayes.

"Guy stuff." Hayes winked at me. I smiled, hoping my brother didn't tell Hayes anything embarrassing, chances are he probably did.

Since my parents would only be arriving this evening, Hayes and I spent the day walking around the ranch. We went horse riding for a while and had a little picnic with Brielle, Finn and Cassidy.

Tomorrow is the wedding. I had a feeling something magical was going to happen.

I promise the next updates will be better; <3 I've had major writers block lately I'm so sorry!

More exciting stuff to come, can't wait for y'all to read :D.

Stay amazing! <3

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