Chapter 8

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-Hannah POV-

"Everyone be cool." Jack said at breakfast the next morning.

It was Sunday and we were going to have breakfast then head to church. Kim was about to come down to have breakfast with us.

"What happened to Kim, mommy?" Isabella asked worriedly. "I heard her cry last night."

"Me too." Logan said sadly. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine." I smiled at the two.

Jack was cutting up Isabella's pancakes into smaller pieces when Finn walked in with Kim behind him. She had puffy eyes but she smiled and said good morning to us all - as normally as she did everyday.

"You okay baby?" I asked rubbing her shoulders. "Anything you wanna talk about?"

Kim took a breath. "Cj and I broke up and that's it. Guess you were right Dad." She looked at Jack who had an unreadable expression.

"Kim - " Jack started.

"I don't want to talk about it." Kim said sitting down beside Finn who patted her hand affectionately.

So we ate breakfast in silence. Then the twins and Logan went up to get dressed for Church. I took Isabella's hand and went to get her ready. Jack left to our room looking bothered.

After getting Isabella ready, I went to my room where Jack was shaving. We had showered together this morning so I took out my red maxi dress from my closet.

We didn't talk while he shaved and I changed into my dress. Jack was upset and I could tell so I let him calm down before I spoke up.

Jack sighed as he shrugged on his red button down shirt. I walked up to him to help button his shirt.

"Talk to me." I said quietly and buttoned Jack's shirt. His hands slipped around my waist pulling me closer.

"Last night with Kim." He said. "Why was she with Hayes and...why would she just break up with Cj. She's liked him since they were kids."

"You need to stop Jack." I said. "Kim is almost 18 - she can make her own decisions about boys now."

"If Cj made her cry." Jack gritted his teeth and balled his fists. "I swear I'm gonna rearranged the kids face."

I groaned.

"Nobody hurts my little girl." Jack said letting go of me. "If I see the kid I'm gonna lose my shit."

I nodded. "Of course you will."

Jack was very overprotective. He would do anything for his kids whether it was the smallest thing ever. The other day Isabella complained about a boy pulling on her ponytail and Jack was ready to beat the kid up.

"On a lighter note." I said. "How about Finn and Brielle?"

"I love that kid." Jack nodded. "She's good for Finn and Kim, Matt's doing good."

"Do you think they're dating?" I couldn't help giggle like a little girl. This was kind of exciting for me.

"Please don't meddle." Jack groaned. "If they are dating, Brielle is dating Finn, not you babe."

"I don't meddle!" I laughed and punched Jack playfully. "I just like to b apart of my kids relationships. Its healthy"

"That's meddling."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

Jack chuckled and picked me up, my feet dangling as he walked over to the bed. He threw me onto our bed and got on top of me - sliding my legs around his waist and lifting up my dress.

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