Chapter 16

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-Hayes POV-

"Hayes, I don't think..." Kim started off slowly making my heart almost shatter.

I've never been this vulnerable. I've never wanted someone as badly as I wanted Kim Gilinsky. Not even in that sexual way. I just needed to know she's mine and only mine.

"...I could go on being friends either." Kim smiled slowly.

I exhaled. "You're serious?"

Kim nodded. "I just don't want to pretend anymore. We can't control this anymore."

I leaned over the table and she did too, meeting halfway. I kissed her, it was a simple peck but my lips lingered on hers for a while before I pulled back.

"Fuck." I swore and hid my smile with my hand. Kim laughed and blushed deeply, looking down. "I'm so happy right now."

"You are?" Kim asked leaning forward.

"Because you're mine." My hand caressed her cheeks gently, her skin was soft.

"I'm happy too." Kim nodded. She was glowing now. Beautiful.

And that was it. It wasn't a major blow out in asking her out. We had an understanding that I'm hers and she's mine. Another thing I love about Kim - the simplicity of being with her.

I didn't have to make a huge scene or make it a huge deal. I felt like we didn't need to do that. The feelings were so easy and felt right. I could have just as well asked her this morning while she was in her PJs and had messy hair. I would have felt the same.

We got our pizza and drinks then ate in a comfortable silence. Looking at each other once in a while and laughing. I couldn't not look at her though - its weird thinking of her as my girlfriend.

When we were done, I drove Kim home because I had to help Nash do some of the wedding prep. As I drove, I had placed my hand on her leg - it felt natural and almost nonchalant.

"Quit staring." I chuckled.

Kim poked my side. "I can if I want to, I have a reason now."

I smiled at her. Despite all the major risks, I was willing to take them all for Kim. I would do anything for her - I hope she knew. I parked outside her house. Kim unbuckled reluctantly.

"I'll call later okay?" I leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

She nodded with a shy smile. "Have fun, tell Nash and Cassidy I said hey."

Then she got out, jogging up the driveway and went inside. I smiled to myself, unable to believe my luck with someone like Kim. I promised myself I wouldn't mess this one relationship up like the others.

I drove to Nash's apartment. Soon I'd be living in my own and Kim could come visit whenever. And its not what you're thinking, I didn't want to get in her undies. It was more than that.

I parked and got out, finding Nash signing a few stuff and delivered boxes in the living room. Cassidy was sitting with him.

"Yo yo yo!" I walked in with a smile on my face, a spring in my step.

"I've never seen you this happy." Cassidy laughed. "What's the good news?"

Nash looked up. "Woah, its Kim right?"

"Gilinsky?" Cassidy gasped. "You have the hots for her?"

I laughed. "Can't a guy just be happy?"

"Only when you're high and you haven't been smoking since you're hanging out with Kim." Cassidy commented.

"I dont know." I shrugged. "I'm just in a good mood is all."

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