Chapter 39

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Derek Luh - Lonely Road

I'm so obsessed with him! And this song is perfect for the end of this chapter.
-Finn POV-

I watched Brielle laugh at something Johnson had said. It was our grad party over at Matthews house - night was upon us already.

Johnson had got up and walked away which left Brielle alone. I still gazed at her for a couple seconds - just taking in all that was mine. All that I fell in love with.

Brielle scanned the backyard slowly with her blue eyes and eventually they had landed on me with a familiar intensity. It made my stomach jolt - my heart race.

She motioned me over with a small smile. I walked slowly keeping our contact which seemed to radiate too much emotion - even for me to handle.

"Having fun?" Brielle linked our fingers together as I sat beside her.

She smelled sweet and kind of like me at the same time. I noticed she had my sweatshirt over her tank top. Her hair was tied in a messy bun. I reached out and pulled her hair out of the bun, letting it fall over her shoulders.

"Better." I twirled a curl between my fingers.

Brielle blushed and leaned closer to me. "Are you alright? You've been quiet the whole time."

"It's not the same without my twin here." I shrugged. "Kim just doesn't want to be around any of us huh?"

"Oh honey." Brielle slid her arms around me. I let her hold me which lifted my spirit. "Kim's going through a lot and all she needs now is Hayes to help her."

"I want to help too."

"And you will." Brielle kissed my cheek gently. "But at this moment, she needs some space okay?"

I nodded, brought our linked hands up and kissed Brielle's hand softly and affectionately. She smiled at me warmly - her face glowing and her cheeks reddened.

"I've gotta really talk to you about something that's been on my mind alot lately." I began slowly. My voice sounded harsher than I intended.

Brielle blinked then nodded. "Go on."

I stood up quickly, "HEY EVERYONE!" I shouted as loud as I could.

The music died down and everyone from family members up to friends and my parents coworkers quieted down. They all turned to face me with curious faces.

"For a long time, I've known that I'm in love with Brielle Espinosa." I spoke confidently. "We just graduated and maybe its too early but..."

Brielle frowned and shifted along the bench.

"...Matt, if you would let." I smiled and turned to Brielle, going down on one knee.

Brielles eyes widened. She covered her mouth as I whipped out a ring I had bought with Hayes. It was silver with a diamond - simple but still beautiful. Like Brielle herself.

"Will you marry me, Bri?" I asked with a shake in my voice, knowing how emotional she made me.

"Are you serious?" Brielle asked with tears running down her reddened face.

I nodded. "Babe, I want you for the rest of my life. I want us."

Brielle nodded. "Yes, Finn! Of course I'd marry you." She half laugh and half cried at the same time. She held out her hand for me.

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