Chapter 41

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Daniel Skye ft Cam Dallas - All I Want <3

-Kim POV-

"Grandpa? Grandma?" I yelled as I walked into their house.

I had just come back from my parents house and visiting my old room that I hadn't seen in ages. It felt good to be able to walk in and feel at ease again and not like I was a visitor.

Hayes wasn't at his home. His car was gone. I hadn't asked my dad what they talked about because well - Hayes didn't have to love me back anymore and why would I run after someone?

Sure we were having a baby. But people have done it before without being together. Maybe that's what we would just do after this. I'd be mature about it all.

I'm only eighteen after all. I had to mature fast now that I would have to take care of another human being.

"I'm back!" I said and shut the front door hoping we could all hang out and watch a movie. I walked into the kitchen and set the groceries down.

Maybe they were out for the night? I looked around and found a note on the fridge.

Grandpa and I
out for the nite
Surprise for you
in the living room.
- K.G

I chuckled at the note. Somehow I could see my grandmother saying this to me. I shrugged and walked to the living room hoping they had ordered me a large pizza for dinner tonight.

Instead, I was greeted by the flicker of a dozen candles against the wall. On the floor, rose petals of white and red were scattered.

"What - " I began slowly and looked up to find a figure smiling goofily in front of me.

"Hey." Hayes said trying to suppress his adorable smile. "I figured you'd be hungry." He motioned to the table with two pizza boxes, diet soda and candles.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, not letting my guard down that easy but this was pretty sweet. My heart was kind of melting.

"Kimberly, I'm sorry and I'm not just saying that." Hayes began. "The pass two days without was like hell for me and I couldn't take it. I thought maybe you were right - it wouldn't work out and we need space but you were wrong."

He stepped closer to me. "I can't live without you by my side Kim. I can't do it. I can't even try to think of not coming home to you and seeing your face in the morning."

"Oh Hayes." I smiled a little. Hayes smiled and moved closer to me.

Hayes cupped my cheek. "I'm crazy in love with you and I don't care what we have to go through. But I'm not letting you go for anything."

"Please don't." I said moving closer to him, appreciating the contact I hadn't felt in days. He smelled so good.

"I love you." Hayes said.

"I love you Hayes." I said and leaned upwards. Our lips met in a combo of heart and passion. I felt like I was flying high when his lips touched mine. I kissed him harder than I ever had before.

Hayes laughed against my lips. "I missed you so much."

I smiled. "I'm glad you're back."

Hayes knelt down and kissed my belly gently. "Daddy loves you princess." I giggled at how much Hayes could get carried away when talking our to baby.

"I can't wait to meet you baby." Hayes spoke to our daughter. "Mom and I are still figuring out what to call you when you get here."

I ran my fingers through his hair. My heart felt so at ease now that Hayes and I were in a good place. All I needed was for him to prove that he wanted me.

"Its taking a while because you're so special." Hayes confessed. I smiled thinking of what a great dad he's gonna be.

I chuckled. "This is sweet babe but I'm kind of starving now."

"I got your favorite." Hayes stood up and kissed my cheek. "And I rented your favorite movie."

"Deadpool?" I asked excitedly as he brought the pizzas over to the couch which I flopped down on.

Hayes made a face. "Okay, second favorite movie."

"Paper Towns?" I wiggled my brows.

Hayes nodded.

"Wow! You really do love me Hayes Grier." I wiped away imaginery tears.

"I really do." Hayes nodded.


"You know what I was thinking baby?" Hayes said as the movie played out. Empty pizza boxes lay on the coffee table.

"Hmm?" I asked. I was dozing off as my head rested on Hayes chest. He was playing with my hair.

"I want our daughter's second name to be Brielle." Hayes said.

I smiled. "I'd been thinking of that for a while too. Brielle had done so much and wants to do more."

"Exactly." Hayes said. "Now all we need is her first name, I haven't heard anything that fits yet."

"Hmm what about Paisley." I added after a few minutes of quiet. I had always thought it was pretty.

Hayes chuckled. "Paisley. That sounds pretty. Our baby girl Paisley Brielle."

My heart did a little flip as Hayes hands slid around my stomach. The name just seemed to fit our baby.

"Paisley Gilinsky-Grier." I laced my fingers with Hayes.

"Or Paisley Grier." Hayes added in a like voice. I almost didn't hear what he had said. "Soon."

I sat up immediately and faced Hayes who still slouched on the couch. He had a grin on his face. Was he saying what I think he was saying?

"Hayes - " I held my handed up.

Hayes chuckled. "Baby before you freak out, this isn't a legit proposal."

I exhaled. "Good because that would be so much pressure on top of us especially since Finn and Brielle are engaged."

"No, I still have something for you though." Hayes reached in his jacket pocket and held out a small box.

I opened it gingerly and found a simple silver ring.

I held it up. "Promise ring?"

"More than that." Hayes said sliding it over my ring finger. "We're having a baby Kimberly, I don't want you to think I'm with you just because of that or that I wanna marry you one day because of that."

I nodded.

"But I'd like to make you my wife some day." Hayes held my hand. "At this point we have to take care of our Paisley and figure our relationship out."

"You're right." I nodded and moved closer to him. He pulled me into his arms. "This means the world to me Hayes, its everything I wanted."

"I want us." Hayes kissed my head softly. "Me, you and little Paisley."

"We're gonna have a family soon,  Hayes." I said. "Does that scare you a little?"

Hayes shrugged. "I'm just nervous because I'm gonna be a dad, I wanna be the best for Paisley."

"You already are." I kissed his jawline several times.

Hayes smiled. "You have no idea how happy I am that you think so."

"I love you Grier."

"I love you more." Hayes said and held me tighter.

Everything in that moment was so perfect. I couldn't have asked for better.

Thanks to @SkathanMontgomeryM for the name! I love it so much. Also to anyone who have suggested it and I didn't see ❤

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