Chapter 9

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-Finn POV-

After Kim left, I was sitting with Brielle. I loved our conversation. She was so funny and always understood what I was saying even when it made no sense.

"You wanna do something after this?" I asked her. My dad shot me a proud nod ad he had overheard this. "Go skating or something?"

Brielle blushed. "I'll ask my dad."

As I was about to respond, my cell phone rang. I checked the caller ID and of course it turned out to be Candice. Brielle saw it too but pretended to look away.

"I've gotta take this." I mumbled and stood up, I walked a few feet away so nobody could hear me.

"Finn." I heard Candice's voice. My heart sped up quickly - you can't just unlove someone.

"What do you want?" I tried to sound harsh but it came out too soft.

Candice sighed. "I miss you."

"I...I..." I tried but I caught Brielle's hurt eyes so I turned around. "I miss you too."


Candice sniffed. "Can you come over? I just need to see you."

I bit my lip. "Right now? Candice I don't know if thats a good idea."

"Forget it." Candice said quickly. "I know you hate me and I'm such a jerk, you just deserve better - "

"I'll be right over." I signed and ended the call.

I turned back around and Brielle pretended she wasn't looking at me. I slowly walked her way - feeling terrible. I pushed my glasses up and sat down.

"Alright?" Brielle placed her small hand on mine, distracting me. She definitely made me nervous but I don't know.

"I have to reschedule." I said quickly.

Brielle moved her hand. She obviously knew about the phone call with Candice and I couldnt lie. Instant disappointment crept along her small face - it actually hurt me too.

"Bri, I'm so sorry." I said trying to reach for her hand.

She forced a smile. "Don't be."


"No big deal." She said turning away to talk to Cassidy. I'm such a jerk.

So when lunch ended, I helprd grandma clean up then I drove my dads car to Candice's house. I said I'd be back to pick them up later.

I arrived at Candice's house. Her parents car wasn't at home - maybe they were out right now. I parked and got out, walked up to the front door and knocked.

It opened immediately. And there stood Candice. Tall, tanned, curvy, blonde and every guy at Westside High's crush. Just looking at her was tease enough.

Okay sure she was a bit diva and maybe she has a meanstreak but doesnt everyone have that nowadays. Kim and Brielle may not like her but I love her.

"Finn." She squealed and threw her arms around my neck.

"Babe." I said spinning her around and walking into her house. I pulled the door shut behind me.

"I've missed you." She pecked my neck softly making me shiver.

Things escalated pretty quickly and before I knew it Candice and I were tangled together in her bed. I'm not gonna pretend like this is the first time we've done this. I liked to keep things private between.


"Leaving already?" Candice got out of bed just as I slid my boxers on. She didn't even try to cover her body up - she was perfect and I couldn't help but stare.

I looked away finally. "Yeah I borrowed my dads car."

"I love you." Candice said throwing her hands around me, after slipped her baggy shirt on of course.

I hugged her back. "I love you too."

I did. Maybe I shouldn't. Nobody could tell me who to love or who I shouldn't love. I'm old enough and I choose Candice.

After walking me to the door, I kissed Candice goodbye and then drove back to my grandparents home. But on the way there I didn't think about Candice.

I thought about Brielle. How could I just look in her eyes and pretend I didn't have feelings for her. I couldn't deal with this. I decided to just distance myself.

When I got back, Brielle didn't bother paying attention to me either. I guess it would make this easier for me to just avoid her company.

As I passed her, she whispered, "You should wipe the lipstick off your neck next time."

I wiped my neck and my fingers were smudged red. Brielle walked off with hurt all over her face.

"Bri." I said going after her but she slammed the back door in my face.

I turned back around and everyone else pretended to be busy but they obviously noticed the weird scene. Thank goodness Matt was too busy helping Taylor untangle the banada's that Isabella knotted together  to notice.

-Hayes POV-

"You alright?" I asked Kim as I drove her to cheer practice.

Kim nodded.

Then silence. The radio was playing a random song. That's all that happened for a few minutes.

"Sure?" I piped up.

Kim nodded again.

"Okay cut it out Kim." I said in a frustrated tone and stopped the car on the side of the road. I was worried about her quietness because I know how she is when its just us two.

"What are you doing?" She asked. "I'm gonna be late for practice!"

I shrugged. "We're not moving until you talk to me. I don't really give a shit about you being late right now."

Kim rolled her eyes. "Fine then I'll walk."

"Kim we're way far from - "

But she slammed my car door and started walking along the road. Only a few cars were passing so I drove slowly - along the sidewalk that Kim was on.

"Kim." I said rolling down the window.

She shook her head and kept walking, adamant in ignoring me. I knew she was hurting more than she let on and all I wanted was for her to know she could talk to me.

"Leave me alone please." Kim said with gritted teeth.

"Not until you talk to me."

She stopped and glared at me. "What the heck should I say? That I'm heartbroken or that I felt like screaming? I don't want to be that weak person and especially not in front of you!"

I stopped the engine just as she turned to hide her face from crying. Her small shoulders shook gently as she cried quietly but obviously embarrassed. I was taken back. Kim was so set on being this big girl that she bottled up all the hurt just so she could show me how it didn't bother her.

I was parked on the side of the road with cars passing by every minute or so. I got out of the car and then jogged around to where Kim stood.

"You don't have to hide." I said gently and pulled Kim into my arms.

She didn't say anything - just slid her arms around my waist. Her heard buried in my chest as she wept. My shirt was wet but I didn't really care, all that matters was Kim.

We stayed like that for as long as I could remember. Just holding each other until Kim calmed down. Anybody passing must have thought we we're crazy but I quite liked this.It made me feel like nothing Kim and I do was usual and I liked that.

It was also the moment I realized how much I really cared about Kim.

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