Chapter 17

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-Finn POV-

"What have you gotten yourself into now Finnegan?" Kim said as the last period - Gym - ended, which we had together.

I sighed. "Nothing! Mrs Ackerman needs to get laid."

Kim shot me a look. "She's like 70 Finn!"

"I don't know why she gave me an hour detention for talking!" I groaned.

I was about to head to the detention class but wanted to walk Kim to Hayes who was picking her up today. Even though we're bro's, he doesn't have the right to hurt my sister. I figured the two are together but try to keep it low key.

"I bet it was Candice you were talking to, in that case I'm glad you have detention." Kim made a face. "Hope she does too."

Lately I've been getting so much hate from Kim - even more so than Brielle who hates me with an absolute passion. I didn't know what to do so I tried to ignore it.

I laughed bitterly. "Its actually Brielle, so we have detention together."

Kim looked at me instantly, her face lighting up. "Seriously?"

"We were arguing in her class, Brielle swore and I told her to get a life...Mrs Ackerman didn't approve." I shrugged.

"Finn you have to apologize! You hurt Brielle!" Kim punched me lightly.

"I've apologized for a million times!" I said angrily. "Brielle obviously hates me now so I'm not gonna beg for her - "

"Brielle cries almost every night over you Finnegan." Kim said cutting me off. "She calls me at like 2 a.m ranting about the post Candice made or how much she misses you."

I blinked.

"I know you love Candice." Kim continued as Hayes pulled up in the parking lot, every one looked his way. "But you're not happy for real. You know why."

"Don't do that." I groaned.

Kim giggled and hugged me quickly. "I've gotta go...see you at home?"

"Love you sis." I squeezed back gently.

She jogged off and waved. "Love you more Finnegan."

After making sure she was heading off with Hayes, I walked to detention where I just saw Brielle's blonde hair whip inside. I just hoped this wasn't going to be an awful hour.

-Hayes POV-

"Ready to move some shizzy?" Hayes opened his car door for me.

I hid a small smile, everyone in the parking lot and gate way had turned their heads to look this way. I wasn't popular or anything at school just because Jack Gilinsky is my dad so I wasn't used to all the eyes on me.

"Sure thing." I smiled.

"Oh wait." Hayes held my elbow gently before I got into the car. "Don't forget."

I frowned - confused. And then he pressed his soft lips against mine, making my heart hammer in my chest. It wasn't a lustful kiss but full of emotions I couldn't even understand. And right in front of my school mates.

"Hayes." I chuckled when he pulled away and kissed my cheek softly.

Hayes laughed as I jumped into his car and shut the door. He came round to the drivers side and got in with a smile on his handsome face. I couldn't help mirror that smile.

"Hows my girl?" He asked starting up his car and backing out of the parking space. I kept my eyes on him - avoiding everyone's looks and murmurs.

"Couldn't be any better." I touched his hand lightly. "You?"

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