Chapter 3

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-Finn POV-

"Thanks for doing this Bri." I smiled as Brielle and I sat in her bedroom.

It was Sunday afternoon and I had asked Brielle to help me study for tomorrows Spanish test. I was good at anything but Spanish and Brielle aced that. So here we are.

Matt was over at Taylor's house so we were alone.

She smiled back. "No offense but you kind of need the help."

I laughed. "Offense taken!"

Brielle laughed, her blonde hair falling around her face. Maybe I was crazy - maybe I missed my ex but right now I found Brielle very attractive.

I felt like a jerk. Because I knew she likes me and Kim has tried to hook us up more times than I can count. But the girl I really love is Candice and I couldn't hurt Brielle by leading her on.

"Hello." Brielle snapped her fingers in front of my face. I didn't realize I was staring at her.

I cleared my throat. "Right. So what do we start with?"

Brielle took out her notes and had me go over them while she texted Kim probably. But all i thought about was Brielle's flowery perfume and the way her long legs were touching mine.

Get your shit together.

I forced myself to focus on my Spanish work instead. But Brielle was distracting - not in the fun sort of way. More like in that I'd rather rip your clothes off way.

"Finn." Brielle said snapping her fingers again.

I laughed. "Oh god this isn't working."

"I'll get us something to drink while you take a break." Brielle stood up. "Even though we just started."

"You understand me." I winked at her as she left the room. I stood up and walked over to the window, trying to be more cool about this.

Candice and I were having another break and she wouldn't return my calls. So I stopped texting or calling. But I missed her a lot and I guess this is why I'm being a horny little shit.

Brielle is sweet - she doesn't deserve my ex drama because I know I'd always find my way back to Candice. And Brielle would just get hurt in the end.

Five minutes later Brielle came back with Coke and a packet of choc chip cookies. We plopped down on the bed again and tried to study once more.

"That wrong." Brielle said as I five minutes into a practice test.

"What?" I asked. "I was more sure about that answer than any other."

"That's wrong too." She laughed and tapped question one.

I groaned.

"Oh and this one!" Brielle giggled. "You font know what a lamp is in Spanish huh?"

I chuckled. "To be fair - its a tough word on its own."

Brielle laughed. "Well everything is wrong so far."

I shook my head and continued with the test while Brielle watched me, she sat next to on the bed. I was just done answering question twelve when Brielle laughed quietly again.

"Don't tell - "

"Its wrong." Brielle whispered in my ear. It was supposed to be funny but made my spin shiver.

"I can't not do this." I mumbled and tossed the books on the floor and pulled Brielle on top of me. I attacked her lips with mine.

It happened so fast but so easily. Brielle straddled my waists - grinding slowly on top of me. Her fingers in my hair, my hands gripping her waist.

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