Chapter 43

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-Hayes POV-

"You guys wanna get some dinner, I think Kim might be back." I said once we finished Paisleys room.

Kim wanted to leave the room for the last minute because we had some issues to sort out. She didn't want to let the room be made with negative energy. Gotta love Kimberly.

Jack nodded. "Yeah, come over and we'll have take out."

Hannah smiled. "I'm glad we all worked things out. Paisley could be here so soon, its perfect."

I chuckled. She reminded me so much of Kimberly, the way she looked so enthusiastic about things. Jack took her hand.

"I agree." Jack nodded. "I mean, its good having you around man."

"Yeah man." I said. "I like things like this anyways."

We were just about to head down when my phone rang - it was Kimberly so naturally I answered quickly.

But it wasn't Kim's voice.

"Who the hell is this?" I asked harshly making Hannah and Jack look at me with concern.

It was some mans voice. I felt my blood rise a little at the fact that Kim was with a guy. Or did something happen to her?

"Chill man." The guy said. "Its Nate here, Kim's water broke and I'm taking her to the hospital."

I exhaled. But my body was still full of tension. "Nate? Why were you even with Kim? You know what never mind, we'll be there in a second."

At the mention of Nate, Jack snapped his neck so fast it made a noise. He glared at the phone so intensely it made me feel awkward. Hannah slid her hand over his arm.

"I'm at the hospital with her, she's almost dilated so hurry up." Nate said with a layer of protectiveness in his voice. 

I was shocked. Firstly, my girlfriend was going to have our baby now. And secondly, Nate was with her. Of all the people. I didn't have a problem with that but I knew other people might be.

"Alright, tell Kim I'm there." I said and ended the call.

"What the fücking hell?" Jack asked before I could even breath again. "Did I hear properly or?"

"Nate was with Kim when her water broke." I said calmly. "We have to get there so, Hannah could you call everyone?"

She nodded. "I'll get Kim some clothes in the meantime." She walked out and to my room.

"Why was he with her?" Jack asked still red in the face. This man really had no chill.

"I don't know." I said a little frustrated because that wasn't the point now. "But I need to get to Kim now."

I walked out. I heard Jack curse and follow me nevertheless. I pushed aside their drama and focused on the task at hand.

Kim was giving birth. I just needed to be with her right now and hold her and be there for her. My heart ached for her right now - I couldn't wait to get there already.

I drove us to the hospital, and fast I might add. I could tell Jack was still raging about Nate but I hope he would put all that aside for Kim and I today.

"Can't wait to meet you Paisley." I said to myself as I saw the hospital in my vision. "My baby girl."


We burst into the hospital and was immediately directed to the room in which Kim was already starting to give birth.

"Put these on." The nurse said to me and handed me scrubs. "You're only allowed in, there's already a family member inside."

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