Lisa's Technology

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We're in the recoding studio right now. Christina went first, then Lauren since they have the largest parts. Dani went next, Amy, Lisa, and me, Katherine. People think I rap in the new ep, but no. I may rap on the album, but everybody knows I don't rap. I don't have really big parts in this song, but I do like how I get to slack off.

Lis settled up everything and started beeping stuff I don't really understand. I'm good with poetry and writing no technology. No judging. "Ready!" She finally said. Christina walked into the self made recording studio. The record company wants us to record at there studio, but this makes us feel more comfortable and we're never late. *insert evil laugh here*

I don't know where Lisa learns all these things. Probably the time she spends on the computer. I spent so long thinking about this, looking into the ceiling. My brain is really thinky. Jealous much?...Pamela. Hmm...

"Katherine!" I fell off my chair. "What!?" "Your turn." Already? I looked at the time, it's been 2 hours. Wait, 2 hours!?!?!! Whatever. What I need to care about is the bruise on my bottom. I also heard Lisa bakes now. I have a baking buddy! I tasted one of her cupcakes. There really good. She said she learned from me. I feel so proud.

I started recording my back up vocals to the 'ohs' and 'yeahs'. In a pinch I was done, I raced up to my room and opened my notebook of poems that I like writing. I don't know where the others went, but I could careless. I think Lisa went to do her nails, Lauren went with Angela, Dani is with Christian, Nick, and Joey, Christina's with the older Nick, Amy's...what does Amy do? I looked outsid ethe window. Jumping a trampoline with Alex. Of course.

I'm writing. The quietest of them all. Well, Lauren and Lisa are the quietest, but like when doing our hobbies or anything. Writing uses the movement of hand and brain functioning properly.

Oh, yeah the song we recorded was called 'The Way We Live' and it describes how we moved from Sacramento, Sac Town to here. It also describes how Christina, Lisa, and I were driving around back then, the we would ring people's doorbells and this whole montage of things including boys.

It was a risk, but oh well! I heard a "I'm Done!". That sounds like Lisa after a nail session. She bursted into my room scaring me out of my thoughts...again, but this time I stay on my desk.

"What Lisa, stop scaring me!"  

"Sorry, it's just I done my nails and wanted to show you!" She showed me her nails. It was black with little computers and phones and technology stuff.  


"Thanks" she ran out. She can be hyper sometimes. That's a rare thing.

Getting back to my writing. Oh, shoot. I forgot the fan mail thing. I raced downstairs. "Katherine, don't run on the stairs. You might just fall." "Mom, I get it, but if you keep talking to me while I'm running down the stairs. I might fall!" "Just don't do it!" I got the box of mail which is quite a lot since I haven't done it in a long time. Our fans probably think we hate them. 

I do them because I love writing. Did I mention that? I Katherine Ann Cimorelli, LOVES WRITING AND MUSIC WITH ALL MY HEART well not all my heart, but half because the other is for God. 

Wait before the fan mail, I need to feed Rocky and Sushi..and my turtle. See i haven't named my turtle because I like calling it turtle. Rocky and Sushi just needed names since there's 2 fishes can't call one fish 2. That'd be stupid...

Once in awhile we get hate fan mails, but we just write back 'Jealous much Pamela?' or we just put it in the shredder. I just heard Dani and the boys break something. I looked at mom who's sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee watching The Fosters. (A/N I love the Fosters!) She gave me the same worried look. We raced down the stairs to the basement, I'm so gonna use this against mom for running down the stairs. 

We saw that Dani just fell from the couch. She wasn't hurt. Just a little bruised on the bottom like me earlier. No, I won't let that go. "OK, who pushed Dani down?" Mom said all serious while I get Dani off the floor seeing what she had hurt. She said it didn't really hurt, more like a pinch. She scrapped her elbow, but that's all that's major. None of the boys speaked. "Katherine, get Dani upstairs and bandaged. Don't run" "Like you just did?" She glared at me. I stopped giggling. Dani even laughed.

"Katherine, you don't have to hold me. It's just a scrap in the arm."

"Yeah, a scrap in the arm with blood and bruises." 

"Yeah , but this happened all the time when I'm on the trampoline." 

"And I'm just hearing this." I said with a eyebrow raised.


"So who did this to you?"

"Be more specific."

"Like did Joey, Christian, or Nick push you? Or all of them?"

"I don't know. One minute I was asleep on the sofa, the next I was on the floor with my scraped arm and you and mom downstairs." 

We walked into the room and see Lisa on the computer. We're pretty sure she's been like that the whole time. She had her headphones on. We looked at each other and shook our  heads. We looks outside and see Alex and Amy passed out of exhaustion. Lauren and Angela's probably still at a store probably getting kicked out again. *sigh* Still what's with Lisa on the computer so much!? She's always at home.  

I guess that's good like she and Christina finished a song yesterday and baked red velvet cupakes. I found the stash Christina hide. Heheheheheh.....


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