Can't Stay Strong

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Me and Joey have been scratching our heads trying to do the egg drop. We made a deal saying I'll design the plan and he'll build it, but so far that hasn't worked out very well. The day went by and I was done with school. It was only 2:00 so I decided to clear my mind. I went to my room and jumped to bed. 

I had my laptop so I went on twitter to see what's up ya know. I was flabbergasted (not the good way) by all the hate tweets Cimorelli recieved. It was all from this person named @hammertime48. What kind of name is that?

I just hope the girls didn't see it because it has some bad language. "FAMILY MEETING" Uh-oh this can't be good. Whenever Christina or Mike calls a family meeting it's never good because well, it's a family meeting!

I walked downstairs ignoring all the tweets from that person. "OK, I bet your wondering why I called a family meeting." Christina started once everyone dragged their butts to the living room. Lisa and Dani were down. Dani's never down. I wonder what's wrong. I bet they saw the tweets too!

 "I called you here about the tweets that have been given to us. I know it's hurtful to know someone doesn't like you, but every artist has haters. Don't be phased by it." She was assuring us, but her herself knew it hurted her too. 

I was in the verge of tears and so was Amy and Dani. Lisa just ran upstairs. Lisa never really wanted this to happen again. When she was 15 someone hated her and she just coudn't stand all the pressure. She had swore and serious body issues.

We just don't want her back to those problems. Christina and I ran to where she was headed off to. She was in the bathroom. We looked at each other in horror. We saw these in movies and Demi Lovato. She needs to Stay Strong. 

Christina pulled out a bobby pin. The oldest trick in the book. We unlocked it finding a passed out Lisa on the floor. We panicked and call the muscles. The boys came and asked, but then stood silent and carried LIsa and dialed 911.

We arrived in the hospital awhile later. The doctor came out with good news and bad news. "Which do you want to hear first?" Mom wanted bad news first. "Bad." "Lisa is in a depression. We can't make her explain why though. The good news is she's fine and healthy. Just make sure she doesn't do anything stupid and keep her away from things that might upset her." We all nodded in response.

We went home after the papers were filled. Lisa hasn't spoke a thing since. The doctor told us not to worry, but I am. I really coudln't keep my mind off that she coud've cut or overdosed. I might be 14, but things are clear to me. Wait are we missing someone? DANI! 

"MOM! WHERE'S DANI?" Mom turned to me. I've never been so loud before. She had shock written all over her face, The car stopped and we all ran inside hopping Dani was stuffing her face with ice cream and watching Big Time Rush. She wasn't.

We all ran our separate ways, but mom and dad because they had to keep an eye on Lisa who looked really tired. I ran outside to see because if we found her already someone would've shouted 'I  FOUND HER!'. 

I'm a bit worried like no one can find her. I'm calling Angela to see if she's there. Dani usually calls whenever we're not here or left her mistakeably (Is that a word?). Angela said she doesn't know, but she's coming to help. That's what I love about Angela. 

I ran to the park with Kathy with me trying to find Dani. We next tried the beach where she does all these tricks on her board on the rail. Nope. I'm starting to result to calling the police. The police will be like. 'I have enough of the Cimorelli's today'. It's not our faults we can't be strong or be lucky. 

I just hope she's OK. We got home exhausted from the search party. We see that the police already have been called seeing there sitted on the couch talking to mom and dad. Me and Katherine just went upstairs to see all our siblings were placed in my room to not listen to mom and dad's special converstation.

"Did you hear them? Or find Dani?" Little Joey bouced up to me. Katherine picked Joey up. "No Joey unfortunetly(sp) we didn't find Dani, neither did Angela. Mom and Dad informed us to go to our rooms before they talked again. Sorry" By now Angela already went home for dinner. 

Mom and Dad told us not to go on twitter and to make sure that heb blocked it from all our internet access devices. Lisa was here too, but she was laying in her bed reading a book. She couldn't really do anything saying that we were all watchng her. We were all crowded in a room and it's 11 kids cramped in a made for 3 people room. 


A/N Where's Dani? Hope ya'll like it!

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