The Truth Unvealed

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We're back home and I feel like so different without mom and dad. Sure it's been awhile since we had mom and dad, but the feeling of that I might not able to see them back makes me feel a bit woozy, sad, and wanting to cry. I'm not the girl to cry like this, but I can't freakin' help it! 

"Lisa?! Why are you crying?!" Christina gasped. I just continued to cry. I didn't feel like talking nor explaining because crying is the result of when words can't even describe it anymore. I just want to die in my bed and go to heaven where mom and dad will be when we don't find them!

I started crying harder at the thought of that. 

"Lisa?!" She gasped...Even louder, is that's possible. 

"What if we don't find mom and dad?" I mumbled into my pillow. 

By now I think everyone was here in my room looking at what a mess I am. I mean it's not everyday you see your older sister crying like a baby. "What is what?!" Christina asked. I guess she didn't hear me. 

"What if we dont' find mom and dad?" I now get up from my pillow. I looked at the mirror across from me seeing that my hair is poofy and my eyes are drowning of mascara. Although I also think those are bags of strees loading up in my brain. 

"Lisa..." Christina dragged on into my name. "We are going to find mom and dad." 

"How do you know that?" I continue to doubt my sister, but at this point. I'm doubting everything. Even myself. 

"Maybe a little nail art will cheer you up." Lauren suggested. She lifted my nail supplies into my bed. Everyone mumured in agreement and exited out of my room Dani stayed. I guess she figured I need some company and she was right. 

She never did talk to me, but I. This time. Started the conversation. 

"Dans?" I look up from my nail for an answer. 

She didn't reply. 

"Dani? What's wrong?" 


"What about everything?"

"How I still don't know who my mom and dad is. Or how my "adoptive" parents are possibly dead and how your making sad smiley faces on your nails!" I looked down and sure she was right, my nails were black with white sad smiles on them. 

"Dani, we will find out who your parents are." 

"What bout' the other things." 

"Eeee...." I couldn't finish my word, heck I couldn't think of one! 


"Dani, I'm almost positive that you're a Cimorelli child. I don't think you're adoptive."

"How do you know that?"


"Because what?" 

"I was told to." I murmered. 

"What?! WHY?!" I set my nail brush down.

"You know Shelley?" 


"She wanted a daughter, but couldn't because she's a nutball." 


"She one day took you away. She went to the police station claming that you were hers."


"The police stinkin' believe her."

"Idiot polices." I could hear her mumble. 

"Anyways, she went to a facility for mental disturbed patients after the polices found out a couple of months later, good thing you were still a baby. We thought she would be long gone away from us, but a few years ago she went here again while you were with mom and Lauren at the Big Time Rush concert. We called the polices once again and she got held in prison. Only Christina and Dad went, but none of them remember when was the time they release Shellley. Here comes the bad part. She comes back a year ago and remember when dad went to the hospital?" 

"First, yes and second this is a lot of remembering to do."

"SO, Shelley shot dad in the stomach then. Only me and up know. Amy and down don't except ya know, you." 


"I know." 

"That leads up to now."


"My same reaction."

"So you're positive that I'm a Cim." 

"Yeah. Or else you wouldn't be so aweCIM!" 

"Thanks Lisa." 

"Come here!" I held out my arms. Dani came crashing into my arms. 

"I hope we find...Mom and dad." She whispers in my ear. 

"Me too. We will." 

We broke from the hug and got up.

"Let's start racking up some clues shall we?" Dani laughed and hooked her arm with mine. 

We walked downstairs and turned on the TV.

"Weren't we suppose to come up with ideas?" Dani asked. 

"I never said now." I threw some Gushers into my mouth. 

We watched the Last Song and we ended up in tears. 

"Why are you guys crying about now?" Mike whines. 

"We saw a movie." Dani still whiping some tears said. 

"The Last Song." I finished. 

"You guys do know that brings tears everytime right?" We both nodded. 

"stupid girls." We could hear Mike say walking away. "WE HEARD THAT!" I yell. 

"What do you want to do now?" I ask bored. 

"Eat." Dani suggested. 

"No. Instead of just eating. Make it!" We jumped up and raced to the kitchen. These are one of the normal moments since that. Christina and Katherine are downstairs doing something that's suppose to help. I just think it won't. 

"What are we making again?" 

"Um..." I flipped to a page in Katherine's baking book. 

"Blueberry Cookies." 

"Those exist?" Dani asks with a weird face. 


"Whatcha guys up to?" Lauren says strolling into the kitchen. 

"Blueberry cookies. Those exist ya know." Dani answers. 

"Can I eat them when you're finished?" Fatty. 

"Fatty." Dani laughs. 

"You can eat them if you help us make them." I say getting the ingredients out. 

"Fine." She slips into an apron. 

"What do we start first with?" 

"It says pour 2 cups of flower and 3 eggs. Then mix. Dani, you can do that. Next it says: Have blueberries and pour the batting into a tray. Lauren you can do that." I read off the book. 

I, check on their progress. When they were done, we continue into the other instrutions. 

"Take a small ball and mash some blueberries into the mixing and use you hands to make a cookie form." Of course our cookies looked weird, but they're going in your stomach anyways. 

I put the tray into the over and setted the timer. We waited 30 minutes for it to be ready. We tasted the finishing product and it tasted fair. We ate all of them watching another movie. By the time we were done, Christina and Katherine came upstairs. I looked outside and see it's nightime. Long day wasn't it?

Christina went infront of the TV. 

"Bad news." What now?

"Mom and Dad are in Europe." 

"What?" I say. It wasn't in an exciting tone, nor was it in a sad tone. It was normal, you know what I don't know how to explain it!

A/N: So this took me awhile to finish and well their parents are in Europe! Anyways don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Be Awesome. the last part it required. :D

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