Ignore and Snore

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Seriously! Lisa, Lauren, and Dani didn't get me ice cream! I tried to scoop one off of Lisa, but no I had to get hit with a spoon. I think it's throbbing. It is throbbing! Even though I didn't get ice cream, doesn't mean I can't watch the movie! I sat on the spinny chair that was just there and started watching. We should totes be in that movie. I heard Demi Lovato's gonna well maybe be in that movie. Wouldn't it be cool if we were in that movie with her!

We watched it until the end. Its about 9:00, so I got ready for bed. I climbed into it slowly since my eyes were closed. I have to get up at 6:00 in the morning for school work. I fell asleep dreaming about Brad Pitt.


I got up fresh in the morning. My dream about Brad Pitt was weird enough, but the fact that I had another dream after with Big Time Rush, was wayy weirder. Sometimes Dani makes me watch Big Time Rush with her causing me to think about James and how his hair never gets messed up! IF only he was a country boy.

I walked downstairs only to bump into Joey. Joey was running. He almost knocked me down. I picked him up, but his feet weren't very high from the ground. "Joey what did we say not to do?" "Not to pee out of the toliet?" I glared at him with those eyes people can't lie to. "Not to run in the house because that would run into somebody." "Like?" "Like I just did. Now put me down because I was running to the bathroom." I set down Joey and he ran into the bathroom.

I continued walking down the stairs after my sidetrack over there. *cough* Joey *cough*

I was greeted my pancakes made by mom and Katherine. Katherine's like a second mom. You can't live without them. "I can see Dani's already choke down her pancakes." I chuckled at Lauren's statement. Dani just stared at Lauren.

Lisa just came down. "Stop the racket, I'm trying to sleep! What time is it?" "8:00 in the morning" I reply to the pizza loving freak. "Exactly. People only get up this hour to annoy their big sister." We all nodded with a goofy grin on our faces Lisa made a face and wrote something down on a piece of paper. "Lisa, what are you writing" Katherine being Katherine said. "Reminding me to kill you guys later except mom and you." "OK!" They continued like it's nothing. Alex, Lauren, Dani, Christian, Nick, Joey, and I looked at each other afraid. Lisa can do really good pranks.

I bet she's gathering the older clan meaning Mike, Christina, Katherine, and other people. She walked back to her room slowly. Never mess with Lisa in the morning. We all finished our breakfast quietly because Christina and Mike are still sleeping still. You'd think 8:00 is the rise and shine time, huh?

The weird thing about Lisa is she makes crafts in her free time. She makes all sort of weird things. She draws werid things. Dance weird in her room and made sign that said 'Ignore and Snore'. First I would like to say that sign was pretty well drawn. Second, she just sleeps too much to care that that was unessary. I guess it works, it rhymes.

We walked into our learning room. I grabbed my books and walked over to the table. I'm working on Math. Mike, Christina, Katherine and Lisa are so lucky they don't have to go to school. Lisa's still expanding her brain though by reading law books while we are in school. I'm pretty sure me and Dani get the most hate. I'm always maked fun of being short, but I stand out in a crowd. Dani is being judge by weirdness. Dani shouldn't be kicked out of the band. People say that she's growing up to fast and sometimes I just wanna say 'Who needs you to judge? She can grow whatever speed she wants too. We don't need orders from you', but that would be mean. 

Sometimes people are jealous the same way people tease when they love. DUH!

I decided to log on to twitter since I haven't in awhile and mom said she needs to run to the grocery real quick and when she's back we'll start the lesson. Works for me. I saw a lot of nice tweets and a few hate tweets, but brushed them off. I decided to text back the nice people.

There's this guy name Jimmy, he's 13 and he's so obesessed with us, he sends us tweets everyday about how awecim we are and he sends frequent fan mail to us. I decided to tweet him back. Then I saw a girl who seems like his sister. She's seems to be obesessed with us also. It's says she's 11. I decided to tweet her back also. (Made up twitter names except Amy's)

@amycim: @jimmycimfam59, your too sweet. Your a dedicated fan, thanks for the awecim support!

@amycim: @kellycimfam59, you and your brother are just so awecim. Stay that way!

Then I just tweeted: @amycim: Having a great time. Class got delayed a bit so enjoying the relax. #MadeinAmericaep #Gettheep!

Then I posted a picture of myself with Lauren and Dani behind me making funny faces. My hair wasn't dried so I looked a bit weird.

Mom finally came back with eggs and supplies. We're probably doing the egg drop for science. I heard it's really fun. All of us are doing it. I got Christian which is good because he plays Lego's and maybe that'll help us with the structure. Me and Christian got to work. 

We get a week to perfect our egg protector. Today we finished one so we went up to the roof with dad's supervision. We dropped the egg and walked back to the backyard. We wanted to jump down, but dad wouldn't let us. 

We looked and the egg indeed broke. We sighed and went back inside and see that science was finished with only one egg spilled on the floor. Dani and Alex. We switched our books into reading where I was finishing Romeo and Juliet unit well it was a book requirement. 

When class was over which was 12:00 at the afternoon we had lunch only to continue an hour later. I got unpstairs to see if Christina and Lisa were still sleeping and yes there were. I think Lisa made Christina a 'Ignore and Snore' sign because there's two of them. I shoke my head in disappointment with my two sleepy sisters. Mike was the only one not sleeping anymore. 

What were they doing last night causing them to sleep this much!? 

I lost all hope of changing their sleeping schedules(sp). *sigh* Lunch was good. I went inside my room and changed into my gym clothes. Yeah just because we're home schooled doesn't mean we don't do P.E. It's way worst here. 




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