Bad Words

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We're making a new cover in like in 3 weeks so right now I'm sorting the harmonies. I'm also learning the lyrics to my part. We're doing the song by Taylor Swift, Red. It seems good for us because the song  is so mellow and sweet and it's about a boy. Even though most of us never had a boyfriend, but Christina. Whatever I love Taylor Swift.

There's gonna be piano and guitar. Amy's of course on the guitar and this time on piano is me! It's gonna be acoustic cause we love acoustic? I don't know. I look around my room and see it's empty, like usual. Katherine's downstairs baking pie for dinner, Christina's writing a new song with Lauren in her room for the new album coming this fall, Dani taking a shower, Amy's with Micheal learning to drive a stiff shift..again, and Me as in Lisa is just here doing harmonies and looking at my fantastic nails! 

I decided to take a break and look on the computer. I just sat there with no interest of channel searching like I always do. I decided to check my twitter and youtube. Twitter was pretty good, but one hate comment. At least it's only one. It said: xxiloveharrystyles73xx-@EmilyGeorge: Lisa you know how all those people write you and Harry Styles love story well that should be me! I hate you and you little bi*** of a sisters that call the so call 'Talent', I have talent! (A/NNo real people and sorry if your names Emily George. I love Lisa!)

I flew in Christina's room where I saw her and Lauren thinking. "Guys! Look!" I said with a few tears running down my face. "What Lisa, why are you crying?" Christina said all worried-eyed. "Just follow me!" I said leading them to my room. They gasped at the comment. "I'm so sorry Lisa. I know you really like Harry?" Lauren said. I looked at her. "What?" See that's why you can't let a little girl see a big girls comment. "I don't like Harry Styles it's she called us that word." I shook in the disgust of that word. "Oh. That makes more sense." "Guys, let's delete that comment and not tell the others." Me and Lauren nod in agreement. I deleted that comment and reported it. 

I went back to Youtube because people can't really hurt me on this because on Youtube we have loyal friends or fans that stick up for us and every artist has h8er's right? I tweeted: 'For haters out there, if you don't have nice things to say, then don't say it. If you got hate what would you do. It's not that easy when your the victim. #stopbullying' I felt so good to get my word out there. It's something we can't all stop at once, but if teachers and parent's notice these things and stop them, there might be less violent or things we don't want to see..or know. 

I logged on into my own account and started listening to some songs I like. I then changed into how we are. Cimorelli. I listened to our new ep. I was jamming in my room. Then Dani came in and started dancing with me. Alex came in and jammed with us. So at the end of the hour almost everyone in our house was jamming in one room. I was jumping on my bed until the song ended. We all went out to do whatever. Lauren, Dani, and I were pooped from the sudden energy.

We all jumped into bed and layed there. "Lisa I saw that comment from a hater girl earlier. For girl like you so pretty, you get hate. What has this world become. Lisa your one of the most awesome big sister. Don't listen to them." "Ya know Dani, for a fluffball you are. I love you." "We all love each other end of story. Wanna get ice cream?" Me and Dani raced out the door. Lauren sighed. 

We checked the fridge and saw no ice cream. "MOM! THERE'S NO MORE ICE CREAM." "SO?" "LISA, LAUREN, AND ME MIGHT JUST DIE.'' "WELL YOUR SHOUTING IS MAKING MY EAR DIE!'' "SO ARE YOU!" "Just go to the store." "K" Me and Lauren were still covering our ears. We walked out and grabbed our bikes because skateboard requires us to carry the ice cream as in bikes we can put it in our basket thingys. 

I got the new German chocolate cake ma-jingy when Lauren got strawberry, and Dani got Cookie 'n' Cream. We rode home smelling the summer California air. Then we heard someone swearing to a phone. We looked at each other and pedaled as fast we can. Good thing Walmart isn't very far from our home. We finally reached the house and jumped on the couch. That rhymed. We ate our ice cream not letting anyone else and watched Pitch Perfect. "We should be in that sequel movie." Me and Lauren nodd in agreement. 

I thought about that dude who was swearing at the phone. Sounded like someone we know, but who? Plus, what's with the swearing today? 


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