4-Star Hotel

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"COME BACK HERE!" I shout at the boys. "Someone else go chase them" I say out of breath. Alex went after them. 

"What do we do now?" Lisa asked. "I mean it's not like we booked a hotel room." I went back to her phone. Until I realized she was right. I didn't book a hotel room. Rats. 

I got on the phone with Mike. 

"MIKE!" I shout. 


"What am I going to do?" I say. 

"What do you mean?" 

"We are me and the rest of them going to stay?"

"Now, now let your big brother handle this." I waited for a minute and a half till he replied my call. 

"Go to Skid Mount Hotel and tell that you know Mike Cimorelli and there you go." He then hung up. 
I sighed and gathered half of my family. 

"Let's go." I picked my luggage up. 
"To where?" Alex said coming back with the little boys. 
"Skid Mount Hotel" 
We all walked there with a map of Nancy, France. 

We arrived and I walked in. 
"Are you sure? This looks very high classed." Lauren stops at the door. 
"You never know. C'mon." I dragged the ones who wouldn't budge to go through. I don't know why. I mean you get to be here. Trust the adults right?! 

I walked to the front desk ignoring all there whines. 
I looked at the manager I assume. 
"Hello How may I help you?" , he said with a french accent that was hard to read. 
"I know Mike Cimorelli" I go right out and say it. 
"How can you prove that?" He says again with that accent. I wanted to roll my eyes sooooooo bad. 
"Here." I handed him my license which states my last name. 
"Room 121." He handed me the key. 
"Thank You." I thank him. 

"LET'S GO!" I yell. 

They all walk out the doorway. 

"THIS WAY!" I say pointing to the other direction. 

They followed, but every other second a question comes up about how I got this hotel. I don't even know how Mike did it, but we're at a 4 star hotel!!!!!!!!!! Calm down Christina. 

We all got to the big room which had 2 queen size beds. We all settled down where we all could fit. 

"So now can you tell us how we got here?" Alex blabs. 

"Mike did this. I panic for shelter and he got us this." I replied. 


"I know." I nodded. "So Since there's 6 of us and 2 beds. Me, Lisa, and Lauren will try to share a bed and you 3 boys will share one. That should be easy since all of you boys are little." I say. 

"I'm 16." Alex corrects.

"I'm still older." I imply. 


"You're still my baby brother." He rolled his eyes and settled the rules with Christian and Nick.

"How are we all going to fit into one bed?" My eyes turn to Lisa. 

"What do you mean?" By now we were standing in a small circle of 3. 

"We're not small. We're big and fat." She said in a duh tone. 

"We'll see when we get there." I didn't really want to worry about that right now. 


Later that day we all rested in the part of the room where a table and couches are set. We sat around the table and discussed. 

"So here is the map of France. This is where we are." I pointed to a part of France. 
"Mom and dad are?" Christian said with an impatient tone. 

"Polices' say they are around here." I pointed to Troyes. 

"What? That's like..." Lauren paused for a moment to calculate the scale on the map. "That's like a 100 miles atleast! How are we going to get there?!" She was surprised. Really surprised. 

"Calm Down, but polices' said they could also be over here." I pointed to the well-know place of France, Paris. 

"OMG! Paris?" Lisa exclaims. 

"Yes." I say. 

"We have to go there" She looks at me with wide eyes. 

"We'll see. That's more than Troyes...About 250 miles. It's not like we're rich." They all disbelief me since we are at a 4 star hotel room. That seemed hard to believe, but 11 kids, there's not really a lot of money you got left over. I mean it's hard that a lot of us are still kids and the ones that aren't (like me) rely on our parents too much and we never got the chance to get a job. Mom and Dad never really mentioned it to us now that I think about it. 

"Wait, wait, wait." Alex stops our whole group dicussion. "How did they exactly go these "signals"?" 

........I don't know......... 

-Meanwhile at home-

Joey's unhappy. He's alone in his room watching TV all day long. 
"I wish my siblings and mom and dad weren't so stupid. Or else I would be happy right now." He says to himself. 

Mike lifts weights to help himself not have a huge break out. This is like his way to get over the fact that his parents might be dead. 

As the bell rings, Mike heads over and checks for the person to make sure it's safe. 

"Aunt Kim!" Mike smiles and hugs their dad's sister. 

"Mike. Nice to see you. I decided to come over and help you with the kids."

"Thank You. Their really quiet." Mike thought for a moment. "Too quiet. Let's go." 

Mike and Kim go around the house for any pranks or anything, but nothing. Dani's alone on the computer trying to find her ancestry. She feels still broken. She feels like her heart doesn't belong to anyone and it's really lost. Lost as in you know where you are, but yet you're not sure if this is where you are suppose to be and then you don't know where you're suppose to go. 

That's just how confusing life could be. As she hears Kim com up the stairs. She feels like she might know something and she asks her the most unexpected question. 

"Aunt Kim. Are you my mom?" 

Amy's out at the backyard reading a book trying to get her mind off of things, but it doesn't seem to work. All she thinks about are what the puzzles pieces mean until she realizes they are puzzle pieces. Piece them together! She figures the pieces out and connects them, but has a hard time figuring out what it means. The finished puzzle spells Until Next Time.

A/N: So that was the chapter. I thought it'd be necessary for the Meanwhile at Home thing because it's probably good for you guys to know what is happening at home instead of having to wait to the next chapter. I think that'd be good if I was reading this story. Anyways vote  for support. Comment for ideas or thought and be awesome cause that is my slogan. :p

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