Adventure Tortures

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I feel very guilty. Gahh! I know who Mark is, but I'm afraid to tell. I know 'he's' not a he. It's a she!!! Sorry, it's just my victory moment. I know Lisa knows something we don't know, but I don't want to go straight out and ask her 'Do you know that Mark's not a he?' Like I can't say that. I'll come off as the weird sibling. 

I've been thinking to myself that i should work up the courage to tell someone of my family, but no one is fit for that. Here is why. 

Mike-He's always busy. 

Christina-She won't believe me. :(

Katherine-She'll go spilling the beans

Lisa-As I said before, I'll come out as the weird child. 

Amy-She's a bit unstable

Alex-He doesn't really know 'the real Mark'

Dani-Isn't she like on the verge of me calling for therapy?

The Younger Boys-Wasn't this enough? 

I crawled to bed resting my head since it's been a long day. I layed my head against what I last remember, a soft pillow. I fluffed it, but now use. I went inside the cover thingy whatever you call is and see a plaque. I wrote something disturbing that I wouldn't want to share right now because well I'm still trying to process it. I'm glad Lisa's on the computers with her headphones on. Dani was sleeping, but I hear the occasional whimper on her sleep. I guess this does effect her. Things change since 3 months ago. I've changed. 

I tucked it under my mattress which now doesn't look as noticable. 

I once again layed my head on my now soft pillow and looked at Dani's bunk bottom. Can things ever be normal again? I mean somethings are going back to normal. Lisa's being herself again by being on the computer. I can hear the strumming of the guitar next door. Alex loves practicing his guitar. In my mind, if you were to say that things are OK, I would've said you were crazy.

Because we're far from normal. There's still a long way to get ahead. 

I know why Dani left too. It's not because she wanted to escape the grasp of Mark and our controlled parents, but because she was scared if she was alone, but she has to understand that she's not alone. When were we ever alone? I'm always alone, but only physically not mentally. If I'm alone and so is Dani then we're alone, together. I mean I'm not mad or anything on how she thinks that, but what I'm mad is that she decided not to even ask if she's alone or not, but just went ahead. I mean how does she know that I'm not going to help her? She doesn't and I am going to help her. Like it's going to be worst if your on this alone. I mean one brain, could only generate one idea for a plan, but plus 10 brains would be generating 10 more ideas. 

Like cells, they reproduce. They all do something, they are all together. Not one cell in our human body are alone. Because we just aren't. We're always together one helping another. So one of our cell are me and the other are Dani. Let's take that for a example. If she were to break down because the human body we're helping fell and broke their wrist or something. We don't just leave one cell on it's own to fix that wound that have been made. Multiply cells are there in need. 

As you can see I pay attention to my classes. A lot. 

I closed my eyes and fell into sleep.

I just hope I can crack the clues before someone gets hurt. Again. When can this END!?


I woke up in the morning at 10:00 and mom and dad seem to be back to normal. I walked down the hall passing, but backed up when I passed mom and dad's room. 


"Lynne!" Dad mimicks mom. That's why I love dad. 

"Micheal I'm serious! I know the goverment paid some of our bills, but what about the rest? We have the little ones to feed!" 

"I know, but we just can't let them know. It's been a tough week for them." I don't hear anything else so I quietly ran back to my room I shared. What? They've been like this for months? Why didn't they tell us? We could've helped! I don't want to be mad, but I am. i brushed my teeth and do all that stuff that freshens you up. I took me forever to make my hair the way I wanted it to be. I walked downstairs this time all the way still in my pajamas. I sat down and made myself cereal without speaking once this morning. I'm not in the mood. I hear everyone around chitter-chattter, but I'm the olny one not. I guess they aren't fazed by this as muuch as I am. I know I'm not the only one that got that sign saying that message. Someone else has got to have it. I mean why would Mark only aim for me? I'm no good.

I focused on my cereal and when I was done I put my bowl in the sink, I walked out ignoring who ever was talking to me. They probably think I was pocessed or something sinced I walked out the door with a plain face and I guess I felt kind of pocessed. 

I walked to the backyard capturing the fresh air that soothed me. I know everythings crazy right now and they dont' need me to cause another problem, but now I just don't know. 

An arrow came passing like an inch away from my ear landing on the ground a few feet away from me. I crouched down and took the note that was taped from it. I thought Mark was in jail? I opened the note while looking around my surroundings. It read: 

This is not the last of me. 

Then it was a crossword beneath it. It was really short, but I have a feeling that there's gonna be more arrow, flying notes. I ran back to my house because of what strangers are out there. I rushed to my room without another word. I grabbed a pen and wrote down answers for the clues. 


1.D e s e r v e                   

                       y    4.

                 3.  e n t r a n c e


                        5.  n e t

I seriously don't know what that means, but as I said with the cells, I'm not alone. I should tell my family what's going on. So I set aside the papers and just enjoyed the silence because you don't get that very often here. I read the last few pages of my book that I got post-poned from and went downstairs like nothing happened because nothing happened. 

Sometimes I'm so happy that I got a loving family, but sometimes I'm so jealous of other people. I know there's nothing to be jealous of, but lifes not easy, but somehow I just learned this. 

God. Sometimes I like adventures and wish I could be in one all the times, but this is one adventure I don't want to be in. 

A/N: I know this is short, but it's more of a filler and I am super sorry for the long week hiatus because in gym I first hurt my wrist and then somehow last week I went to my friends house and hurt me butt. (FACEPALM!) 


I've been in a really bad mood lately too. Sorry. 

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