The 22nd & the 15th

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I'm so glad to have Dani back. I checked facebook and no it's not twitter so I can get away from it. There weren't hate things as much. I was getting bored at what I was reading so I went to YouTube. Somehow people found out about these things.

I went to our channel which isn't twitter either. There were really nice ones like: 'I hope you guys find Dani! <3' or 'I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said those mean words. My friends dared me to! Hope you guys find Dani!'. I decided to clear the word.

I commented: 'Guys! It's Christina here to say the truth. Dani did runaway, but she's back now. Thank for your support and prayers. We love you!' Then loads of comments started to fill like: 'Why did she runaway anyway?' or 'We're glad that she's back', but then some were not so nice.

I logged out depressed. How can people hate Dani! She's as much part of the band as us. She's the spice of out sugar, the star to our universe, and the pop to our tarts. Dani seems to take it very well because she doesn't like reading the comments.

I don't know what to do. I went back on Facebook to see other celebritites. I'm not stalking just catching up on the lastest news, yeah that. I went to Ellie Gouldings page because I like her music and seeing that she hasn't been released any new music yet maybe her site would give a hint.

There's a new song 'Burn'. I kinda liked it. Like it was a bit out of her song theme. I feel like she should go back to her unique style and taste. It's just my opinion. Then I went to Katy Perry, I haven't heard from her yet. Nothing special.

I saw a link that was given to Cimorelli, weird. It was 'Love will Remember' by Selena Gomez. What? Why would this be given to us? I have to admit. It's quite catchy. I'm pretty sure that the voicemail in the beginning was Justin.

I'm really bored right now. I don't know what to do. I walked downstairs to see chaos, but no. It was quiet. What's happening? I called for Dani since she nows all the house news. Yet I don't smell Dani anywhere.

I'm started to get scared. What if that bang I heard in the shower were something important?

I got downstairs to see a big banner that says 'Happy Birthday Christina and Lauren!'. I'm pretty sure I had the biggest smile plastered on my face. Lauren too. She wasn't expecting this as all. I never said I was expecting it so you can't go all good cop bad cop thing on me.

The bang was nothing just Joey dropping a spoon. Me and Lauren firstly screamed and then raced upstairs to change. I don't know why we raced we had different rooms. We walked out better looking than everyone else.

I had a sequin dress right above the knee and Lauren had a sparkly blue shorts and a tucked in white shirt thing, look I don't know much about fashion. I saw big nick and went to hug him. "Happy Birthday, Hurricane" I just hugged him tighter.

They all sang happy birthday to me and Lauren and I blowed out half of the candles and she blew the rest. We all ate cake, partied and then went to this fancy restaurant near us for dinner. We all ordered what we wanted, but me and Lauren got free dessert, which we went for.

We got back home pooped and tired. Nick said goodbye and kissed my forehead. Angela said goodbye to us and everyone either went to bed or watched a movie trying to finish the cake. I went to bed. Seeing all the attention I've gotten today, I'm tired. Lauren went to bed too. Lisa, Dani, Alex, and the 3 little boys stayed up later to finish the cake and watched the Toy Story trilogy.

By the time I heard them go to bed, they didn't. They all passed out on the couch. This is bad in the morning. They got me good this year. Last year I figured out the surprised party and got there first. Losers.

AN: I know sucky chappie. I couldn't find my muse.

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