It's a Hobby

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We're recording the songs for our new EP. (A/N: I know their EP already came out, but still.) We already recorded Made in America and now the rest. We also recorded Wings, but it's not acoustic. My favorite is the other 2 because it describes our life and how we're not afraid to be weird.

I was up next after Christina and Amy. We were doing The Way We Live. We recorded it earlier this month, but we didn't like it and we thought no we know we could try harder. Ok, here we go.

"Dani do the choruses and your part." I heard someone say most likely to be Christina.

"OK!" I shouted enough to let them hear.

I went into the booth and put on my headphones thing. I then started singing.

Woah, oh, oh this is the way we live

We do this everyday

This is the way we, this is the way we

This the way we live

ooohhh, my life is like ooohhh

I waited awhile while the music plays till it was at my solo.

Head down to boulevard, all the way to subway

Listen to the songs that we love, all my friends sing

Hey You, I wanna know your name, your name, your name

Then I just repeated the chorus like 2 times. We took a break cause we're all hungry. We headed to SUBWAY! It was like an hour before we headed back there. It was already 1:30 in the afternoon so I was HYPER. I don't remember much of it because it went by so quickly I don't remember, but I did remember the time I went to the bathroom! But that won't help.

We recorded 'Whatcha think about us' and let me say the fans are gonna love it!

When we got home it was only 3:00 and I knew what was happening next. Call me psychic, but I know my stuff and its not like me and Lauren snooped or anything. Wait we did. I'm not a morining person until I brush my teeth.

She sat us all down and by 'she' I meant Amy. She called a family meeting. Oh how I hate family meetings. Nothing's ever good here. The worst was when I found out that I was grounded for 2 weeks for not doing my homework, but I had a headache. I tried to tell them, but none of them listened but Lisa and Lauren and when they spoke up it was shushed by mom and Christina. Sometimes Christina gets on my nerves.

She began after my moment of thinking.

"OK, some of you are wondering why your here. Correct?"

A lot of us nodded and mumbled "yes."

Lauren was next to me and we didn't react because I don't know. I mean we're great actors, but we sing not act.

"I've been dating." Mom sqealed. Who know how loud she could squeal. It's creepy that she's our mom. "My baby's growing up!"

"MOM!" Amy shouted sort of embarrassed.

"OK, That's not the good part. His name is Cha-"

"NO!" Alex yelled." We all looked at him in confusion.

"Alex?" Lisa stood up as well now rising to Alex's height.

"Chad's a bad guy. When I was at the grocery store he asked me if I wanted to buy cocaine." We all gasped at the sudden shock of disbelief.

"What did you say?" Dad said now worried of ALex's choice.

"Dad, calmed down I said no." "Good" Dad said sitting back down a bit unstressed.

Amy continued after all the interruptions. "OK, again. He asked me the same question. I'm expected to answer him the question tonigt what am I gonna do?" Amy said almost sobbing in tears. I hate seeing my older yet little sister like this. Katherine was conforting her. I was the first to speak in this tragic moment. "How old is he?" "Um...19. Why?" She said looking at me now. "Mom, Dad isn't that the illegal age to have those substance?" "Correct." Dad said in a tone of 'suspicion' and 'scheme making'. I like that tone.

We made the plan, Amy stopped using up all the tissues. The plan is on!

I snooped on Lauren too when she was on the phone with Angela. It's not bad snooping. It's a hobby after being bored to death with alll this planning. Is it so bad to LOVE snooping!?

Anyways after dinner we all wore black and ski mask. The little boys will be babysat by Angela and she has the phone and 911 on speed dial or I hope so. Amy said they were suppose to be meeting at the park. Perfect. The bushes will hide us and its at Midnight and its a Saturday. Well it was a slow Saturday. I thought this day would never end.

We splitted into groups. Dad with Christina, Lisa, Alex, and Lauren. Mom with Mike, Katherine, Amy, me, and Nick. We didn't want Christina and Nick to split, but mom needed another dude. Alex didn't want to be on the other side because he thinks I would annoy him! That boy!

I wore black skinny jeans, a black t shirt, a varsity jacket that's black, a beanie that says 'dope', and just black converse. Just because its undercover doesn't mean I can't look good. As they say look better, do better. That's what I think. I still can't believe mom and dad let us do this. I mean come on, I'm not even allowed to be alone home yet. I would jump on the trampoline while eating ice cream. I might throw up, but hey you only live one.

I guess mom and dad knows about YOLO and taking the risk. Moms team hid behind the playset and may I say it was big. Dads team hid in the bushes. I was in the slide. I had sticky gloves so I wouldn't slide down. I could see the situation clearly which is a win win. Ay looked really nervous. Chad's back was facing me so I could see Amy. I couldn't hear them, but I could read some of Amy's words like when I think Chad asked her something she said yes.

I could read anything from then on. We where quiet as a mouse. W have walkie talkies and Angela was informed not to talk into it until we talk into it and ask her a question or a order. Like call 911 or something.

I looked away until I heard a slap. It must be hard because I heard it. We were all armed with weapons. Older ones got more power and me i got pepperspray, Lauren too. Amy wasn't but I bought another pepperspray just in case. Dad, Mike, Nick, and Alex got a baseball bat. Mom, Christina, Katherine, and Lisa got ropes. To I think tie him or whack him. Esther's fine.

When we heard the slap I looked to mom. Dad signaled mom. That's a go. We all jumped out. Mom and dad both had walkies. Chad cursed upon himself. Naughty. Naught little boy. About to have his own medicine. I have my evil side, but a evil side who does not swear. I don't swear anyways because its not allowed and frankly I don't want to either. We all surrounded Chad. I pulled Amy towards me because Chad might take her as a hostage. Yep. I've seen many movies.

I don't really know what happened next because I was knocked cold. Dang. I was so excited for this.

A/N Whatcha think? Remember





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